I Wrote A String Type

I write compilers for fun. I can’t help it. Consequently, I also write a lot of parsers. In systems programming, it’s usually a good idea to try to share memory rather than reuse it, so as such my AST types tend to look like this.

pub enum Expr<'src> {
  Ident(&'src str),
  // ...

Whenever we parse an identifier, rather than copy its name into a fresh String, we borrow from the input source string. This avoids an extra allocation, an extra copy, and saves a word in the representation. Compilers can be memory-hungry, so it helps to pick a lean representation.

Unfortunately, it’s not so easy for quoted strings. Most strings, like "all my jelly babies", are “literally” in the original source, like an identifier. But strings with escapes aren’t: \n is encoded in the source code with the bytes [0x5c, 0x6e], but the actual “decoded” value of a string literal replaces each escape with a single 0x0a.

The usual solution is a Cow<str>. In the more common, escape-less verison, we can use Cow::Borrowed, which avoids the extra allocation and copy, and in the escaped version, we decode the escapes into a String and wrap it in a Cow::Owned.

For example, suppose that we’re writing a parser for a language that has quoted strings with escapes. The string "all my jelly babies" can be represented as a byte string that borrows the input source code, so we’d use the Cow::Borrowed variant. This is most strings in any language: escapes tend to be rare.

For example, if we have the string "not UTF-8 \xff", the actual byte string value is different from that in the source code.

// Bytes in the source.
hex:   6e 6f 74 20 55 54 46 2d 38 20 5c 78 66 66
ascii: n  o  t     U  T  F  -  8     \  x  f  f

// Bytes represented by the string.
hex:   6e 6f 74 20 55 54 46 2d 38 20 ff
ascii: n  o  t     U  T  F  -  8

Escapes are relatively rare, so most strings processed by the parser do not need to pay for an allocation.

However, we still pay for that extra word, since Cow<str> is 24 bytes (unless otherwise specified, all byte counts assume a 64-bit system), which is eight more than our &str. Even worse, this is bigger than the string data itself, which is 11 bytes.

If most of your strings are small (which is not uncommon in an AST parser), you will wind up paying for significant overhead.

Over the years I’ve implemented various optimized string types to deal with this use-case, in various contexts. I finally got around to putting all of the tricks I know into a library, which I call byteyarn. It advertises the following nice properties.

A Yarn is a highly optimized string type that provides a number of useful properties over String:

  • Always two pointers wide, so it is always passed into and out of functions in registers.
  • Small string optimization (SSO) up to 15 bytes on 64-bit architectures.
  • Can be either an owned buffer or a borrowed buffer (like Cow<str>).
  • Can be upcast to 'static lifetime if it was constructed from a known-static string.

I’d like to share how these properties are achieved through careful layout optimization.


We’re going to start by stating assumptions about how our strings will be used:

  1. Most strings are not mutated most of the time.
  2. Most strings are small.
  3. Most strings are substrings.

Most Strings are Immutable

String is modeled after C++’s std::string, which is a growable buffer that implements amortized linear-time append. This means that if we are appending n bytes to the buffer, we only pay for n bytes of memcpy.

This is a useful but often unnecessary property. For example, Go strings are immutable, and when building up a large string, you are expected to use strings.Builder, which is implemented as essentially a Rust String. Java also as a similar story for strings, which allows for highly compact representations of java.lang.Strings.

In Rust, this kind of immutable string is represented by a Box<str>, which is eight bytes smaller than String. Converting from String to Box<str> is just a call to realloc() to resize the underlying allocation (which is often cheap1) from being capacity bytes long to len bytes long.

Thus, this assumption means we only need to store a pointer and a length, which puts our memory footprint floor at 16 bytes.

Most Strings are Substrings

Suppose again that we’re parsing some textual format. Many structural elements will be verbatim references into the textual input. Not only string literals without escapes, but also identifiers.

Box<str> cannot hold borrowed data, because it will always instruct the allocator to free its pointer when it goes out of scope. Cow<str>, as we saw above, allows us to handle maybe-owned data uniformly, but has a minimum 24 byte overhead. This can’t be made any smaller, because a Cow<str> can contain a 24-byte String value.

But, we don’t want to store a capacity. Can we avoid the extra word of overhead in Cow<str>?

Most Strings are Small

Consider a string that is not a substring but which is small. For example, when parsing a string literal like "Hello, world!\n", the trailing \n (bytes 0x5c 0x6e) must be replaced with a newline byte (0x0a). This means we must handle a tiny heap allocation, 14 bytes long, that is smaller than a &str referring to it.

This is worse for single character2 strings. The overhead for a Box<str> is large.

  • The Box<str> struct itself has a pointer field (eight bytes), and a length field (also eight bytes). Spelled out to show all the stored bits, the length is 0x0000_0000_0000_0001. That’s a lot of zeroes!
  • The pointer itself points to a heap allocation, which will not be a single byte! Allocators are not in the business of handing out such small pieces of memory. Instead, the allocation is likely costing us another eight bytes!

So, the string "a", whose data is just a single byte, instead takes up 24 bytes of memory.

It turns out that for really small strings we can avoid the allocation altogether, and make effective use of all those zeroes in the len field.

Stealing Bits

Let’s say we want to stick to a budget of 16 bytes for our Yarn type. Is there any extra space left for data in a (*mut u8, usize) pair?

*cracks Fermi estimation knuckles*

A usize is 64 bits, which means that the length of an &str can be anywhere from zero to 18446744073709551615, or around 18 exabytes. For reference, “hundreds of exabytes” is a reasonable ballpark guess for how much RAM exists in 2023 (consider: 4 billion smartphones with 4GB each). More practically, the largest quantity of RAM you can fit in a server blade is measured in terabytes (much more than your measly eight DIMs on your gaming rig).

If we instead use one less bit, 63 bits, this halves the maximum representable memory to nine exabytes. If we take another, it’s now four exabytes. Much more memory than you will ever ever want to stick in a string. Wikpedia asserts that Wikimedia Commons contains around 428 terabytes of media (the articles’ text with history is a measly 10 TB).

Ah, but you say you’re programming for a 32-bit machine (today, this likely means either a low-end mobile phone, an embedded micro controller, or WASM).

On a 32-bit machine it’s a little bit harrier: Now usize is 32 bits, for a maximum string size of 4 gigabytes (if you remember the 32-bit era, this limit may sound familiar). “Gigabytes” is an amount of memory that you can actually imagine having in a string.

Even then, 1 GB of memory (if we steal two bits) on a 32-bit machine is a lot of data. You can only have four strings that big in a single address space, and every 32-bit allocator in the universe will refuse to serve an allocation of that size. If your strings are comparable in size to the whole address space, you should build your own string type.

The upshot is that every &str contains two bits we can reasonably assume are not used. Free real-estate.3

A Hand-Written Niche Optimization

Rust has the concept of niches, or invalid bit-patterns of a particular type, which it uses for automatic layout optimization of enums. For example, references cannot be null, so the pointer bit-pattern of 0x0000_0000_0000_0000 is never used; this bit-pattern is called a “niche”. Consider:

enum Foo<'a> {
  First(&'a T),

An enum of this form will not need any “extra” space to store the value that discriminates between the two variants: if a Foo’s bits are all zero, it’s Foo::Second; otherwise it’s a Foo::First and the payload is formed from Foo’s bit-pattern. This, incidentally, is what makes Option<&T> a valid representation for a “nullable pinter”.

There are more general forms of this: bool is represented as a single byte, of which two bit are valid; the other 254 potential bit-patterns are niches. In Recent versions of Rust, RawFd has a niche for the all-ones bit-pattern, since POSIX file descriptors are always non-negative ints.

By stealing two bits off of the length, we have given ourselves four niches, which essentially means we’ll have a hand-written version of something like this enum.

enum Yarn {
  First(*mut u8, u62),
  Second(*mut u8, u62),
  Third(*mut u8, u62),
  Fourth(*mut u8, u62),

For reasons that will become clear later, we will specifically steal the high bits of the length, so that to recover the length, we do two shifts4 to shift in two high zero bits. Here’s some code that actually implements this for the low level type our string type will be built on.

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct RawYarn {
  ptr: *mut u8,
  len: usize,

impl RawYarn {
  /// Constructs a new RawYarn from raw components: a 2-bit kind,
  /// a length, and a pointer.
  fn from_raw_parts(kind: u8, len: usize, ptr: *mut u8) -> Self {
    assert!(len <= usize::MAX / 4, "no way you have a string that big");

    RawYarn {
      len: (kind as usize & 0b11) << (usize::BITS - 2) | len,

  /// Extracts the kind back out.
  fn kind(self) -> u8 {
    (self.len >> (usize::BITS - 2)) as u8

  /// Extracts the slice out (regardless of kind).
  unsafe fn as_slice(&self) -> &[u8] {
    slice::from_raw_parts(self.ptr, (self.len << 2) >> 2)

Note that I’ve made this type Copy, and some functions take it by value. This is for two reasons.

  1. There is a type of Yarn that is itself Copy, although I’m not covering it in this article.

  2. It is a two-word struct, which means that on most architectures it is eligible to be passed in a pair of registers. Passing it by value in the low-level code helps promote keeping it in registers. This isn’t always possible, as we will see when we discuss “SSO”.

Let’s chose kind 0 to mean “this is borrowed data”, and kind 1 to be “this is heap-allocated data”. We can use this to remember whether we need to call a destructor.

pub struct Yarn<'a> {
  raw: RawYarn,
  _ph: PhantomData<&'a str>,

const BORROWED: u8 = 0;
const HEAP: u8 = 1;

impl<'a> Yarn<'a> {
  /// Create a new yarn from borrowed data.
  pub fn borrowed(data: &'a str) -> Self {
    let len = data.len();
    let ptr = data.as_ptr().cast_mut();
    Self {
      raw: RawYarn::from_raw_parts(BORROWED, len, ptr),
      _ph: PhantomData,

  /// Create a new yarn from owned data.
  pub fn owned(data: Box<str>) -> Self {
    let len = data.len();
    let ptr = data.as_ptr().cast_mut();

    Self {
      raw: RawYarn::from_raw_parts(HEAP, len, ptr),
      _ph: PhantomData,

  /// Extracts the data.
  pub fn as_slice(&self) -> &str {
    unsafe {
      // SAFETY: initialized either from uniquely-owned data,
      // or borrowed data of lifetime 'a that outlives self.

impl Drop for Yarn<'_> {
  fn drop(&mut self) {
    if self.raw.kind() == HEAP {
      let dropped = unsafe {
        // SAFETY: This is just reconstituting the box we dismantled
        // in Yarn::owned().

impl RawYarn {
  unsafe fn as_slice_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
    // Same thing as as_slice, basically. This is just to make
    // Box::from_raw() above typecheck.

This gives us a type that strongly resembles Cow<str> with only half of the bytes. We can even write code to extend the lifetime of a Yarn:

impl Yarn<'_> {
  /// Removes the bound lifetime from the yarn, allocating if
  /// necessary.
  pub fn immortalize(mut self) -> Yarn<'static> {
    if self.raw.kind() == BORROWED {
      let copy: Box<str> = self.as_slice().into();
      self = Yarn::owned(copy);

    // We need to be careful that we discard the old yarn, since its
    // destructor may run and delete the heap allocation we created
    // above.
    let raw = self.raw;
    Yarn::<'static> {
      _ph: PhantomData,

The remaining two niches can be put to use for optimizing small strings.

Small String Optimization

C++’s std::string also makes the “most strings are small” assumption. In the libc++ implementation of the standard library, std::strings of up to 23 bytes never hit the heap!

C++ implementations do this by using most of the pointer, length, and capacity fields as a storage buffer for small strings, the so-called “small string optimization” (SSO). In libc++, in SSO mode, a std::string’s length fits in one byte, so the other 23 bytes can be used as storage. The capacity isn’t stored at all: an SSO string always has a capacity of 23.

RawYarn still has another two niches, so let’s dedicate one to a “small” representation. In small mode, the kind will be 2, and only the 16th byte will be the length.

This is why we used the two high bits of len for our scratch space: no matter what mode it’s in, we can easily extract these bits5. Some of the existing RawYarn methods need to be updated, though.

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct RawYarn {
  ptr: MaybeUninit<*mut u8>,
  len: usize,

const SMALL: u8 = 2;

impl RawYarn {
  /// Constructs a new RawYarn from raw components: a 2-bit kind,
  /// a length, and a pointer.
  fn from_raw_parts(kind: u8, len: usize, ptr: *mut u8) {
    debug_assert!(kind != SMALL);
    assert!(len <= usize::MAX / 4, "no way you have a string that big");

    RawYarn {
      ptr: MaybeUninit::new(ptr),
      len: (kind as usize & 0b11) << (usize::BITS - 2) | len,

  /// Extracts the slice out (regardless of kind).
  unsafe fn as_slice(&self) -> &[u8] {
    let (ptr, adjust) = match self.kind() {
      SMALL => (self as *const Self as *const u8, usize::BITS - 8),
      _ => (self.ptr.assume_init(), 0),

    slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, (self.len << 2) >> (2 + adjust))

In the non-SMALL case, we shift twice as before, but in the SMALL case, we need to get the high byte of the len field, so we need to shift down by an additional usize::BITS - 8. No matter what we’ve scribbled on the low bytes of len, we will always get just the length this way.

We also need to use a different pointer value depending on whether we’re in SMALL mode. This is why as_slice needs to take a reference argument, since the slice data may be directly in self!

Also, ptr is a MaybeUninit now, which will become clear in the next code listing.

We should also provide a way to construct small strings.

const SSO_LEN: usize = size_of::<usize>() * 2 - 1;

impl RawYarn {
  /// Create a new small yarn. `data` must be valid for `len` bytes
  /// and `len` must be smaller than `SSO_LEN`.
  unsafe fn from_small(data: *const u8, len: usize) -> RawYarn {
    debug_assert!(len <= SSO_LEN);

    // Create a yarn with an uninitialized pointer value (!!)
    // and a length whose high byte is packed with `small` and
    // `len`.
    let mut yarn = RawYarn {
      ptr: MaybeUninit::uninit(),
      len: (SMALL as usize << 6 | len)
          << (usize::BITS - 8),

    // Memcpy the data to the new yarn.
    // We write directly onto the `yarn` variable. We won't
    // overwrite the high-byte length because `len` will
    // never be >= 16.
      &mut yarn as *mut RawYarn as *mut u8,


The precise maximum size of an SSO string is a bit more subtle than what’s given above, but it captures the spirit. The RawYarn::from_small illustrates why the pointer value is hidden in a MaybeUninit: we’re above to overwrite it with garbage, and in that case it won’t be a pointer at all.

We can update our public Yarn type to use the new small representation whenever possible.

impl<'a> Yarn<'a> {
  /// Create a new yarn from borrowed data.
  pub fn borrowed(data: &'a str) -> Self {
    let len = data.len();
    let ptr = data.as_ptr().cast_mut();

    if len <= SSO_LEN {
      return Self {
        raw: unsafe { RawYarn::from_small(len, ptr) },
        _ph: PhantomData,

    Self {
      raw: RawYarn::from_raw_parts(BORROWED, len, ptr),
      _ph: PhantomData,

  /// Create a new yarn from owned data.
  pub fn owned(data: Box<str>) -> Self {
    if data.len() <= SSO_LEN {
      return Self {
        raw: unsafe { RawYarn::from_small(data.len(), data.as_ptr()) },
        _ph: PhantomData,

    let len = data.len();
    let ptr = data.as_ptr().cast_mut();

    Self {
      raw: RawYarn::from_raw_parts(HEAP, len, ptr),
      _ph: PhantomData,

It’s also possible to construct a Yarn directly from a character now, too!

impl<'a> Yarn<'a> {
  /// Create a new yarn from borrowed data.
  pub fn from_char(data: char) -> Self {
    let mut buf = [0u8; 4];
    let data = data.encode_utf8(&mut buf);
    Self {
      raw: unsafe { RawYarn::from_small(len, ptr) },
      _ph: PhantomData,

(Note that we do not need to update Yarn::immortalize(); why?)

What we have now is a maybe-owned string that does not require an allocation for small strings. However, we still have an extra niche…

String Constants

String constants in Rust are interesting, because we can actually detect them at compile-time6.

We can use the last remaining niche, 3, to represent data that came from a string constant, which means that it does not need to be boxed to be immortalized.

const STATIC: u8 = 3;

impl<'a> Yarn<'a> {
  /// Create a new yarn from borrowed data.
  pub fn from_static(data: &'static str) -> Self {
    let len = data.len();
    let ptr = data.as_ptr().cast_mut();

    if len <= SSO_LEN {
      return Self {
        raw: unsafe { RawYarn::from_small(len, ptr) },
        _ph: PhantomData,

    Self {
      raw: RawYarn::from_raw_parts(STATIC, len, ptr),
      _ph: PhantomData,

This function is identical to Yarn::borrowed, except that data most now have a static lifetime, and we pass STATIC to RawYarn::from_raw_parts().

Because of how we’ve written all of the prior code, this does not require any special support in Yarn::immortalize() or in the low-level RawYarn code.

The actual byteyarn library provides a yarn!() macro that has the same syntax as format!(). This is the primary way in which yarns are created. It is has been carefully written so that yarn!("this is a literal") always produces a STATIC string, rather than a heap-allocated string.

An extra niche, as a treat?

Unfortunately, because of how we’ve written it, Option<Yarn> is 24 bytes, a whole word larger than a Yarn. However, there’s still a little gap where we can fit the None variant. It turns out that because of how we’ve chosen the discriminants, len is zero if and only if it is an empty BORROWED string. But this is not the only zero: if the high byte is 0x80, this is an empty SMALL string. If we simply require that no other empty string is ever constructed (by marking RawYarn::from_raw_parts() as unsafe and specifying it should not be passed a length of zero), we can guarantee that len is never zero.

Thus, we can update len to be a NonZeroUsize.

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct RawYarn {
  ptr: MaybeUninit<*mut u8>,
  len: NonZeroUsize,  // (!!)

impl RawYarn {
  /// Constructs a new RawYarn from raw components: a 2-bit kind,
  /// a *nonzero* length, and a pointer.
  unsafe fn from_raw_parts(kind: u8, len: usize, ptr: *mut u8) {
    debug_assert!(kind != SMALL);
    debug_assert!(len != 0);
    assert!(len <= usize::MAX / 4, "no way you have a string that big");

    RawYarn {
      ptr: MaybeUninit::new(ptr),
      len: NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(
        (kind as usize & 0b11) << (usize::BITS - 2) | len),

This is a type especially known to the Rust compiler to have a niche bit-pattern of all zeros, which allows Option<Yarn> to be 16 bytes too. This also has the convenient property that the all zeros bit-pattern for Option<Yarn> is None.


The byteyarn blurb describes what we’ve built:

A Yarn is a highly optimized string type that provides a number of useful properties over String:

  • Always two pointers wide, so it is always passed into and out of functions in registers.
  • Small string optimization (SSO) up to 15 bytes on 64-bit architectures.
  • Can be either an owned buffer or a borrowed buffer (like Cow<str>).
  • Can be upcast to 'static lifetime if it was constructed from a known-static string.

There are, of course, some trade-offs. Not only do we need the assumptions we made originally to hold, but we also need to relatively care more about memory than cycle-count performance, since basic operations like reading the length of the string require more math (but no extra branching).

The actual implementation of Yarn is a bit more complicated, partly to keep all of the low-level book-keeping in one place, and partly to offer an ergonomic API that makes Yarn into a mostly-drop-in replacement for Box<str>.

I hope this peek under the hood has given you a new appreciation for what can be achieved by clever layout-hacking.

  1. Allocators rarely serve you memory with precisely the size you asked for. Instead, they will have some notion of a “size class” that allows them to use more efficient allocation techniques, which I have written about.

    As a result, if the size change in a realloc() would not change the size class, it becomes a no-op, especially if the allocator can take advantage of the current-size information Rust provides it. 

  2. Here and henceforth “character” means “32-bit Unicode scalar”. 

  3. Now, you might also point out that Rust and C do not allow an allocation whose size is larger than the pointer offset type (isize and ptrdiff_t, respectively). In practice this means that the high bit is always zero according to the language’s own rules.

    This is true, but we need to steal two bits, and I wanted to demonstrate that this is an extremely reasonable desire. 64-bit integers are so comically large. 

  4. Interestingly, LLVM will compile (x << 2) >> 2 to

    movabs rax,0x3fffffffffffffff
    and    rax,rdi
    x86 Assembly

    If we want to play the byte-for-byte game, this costs 14 bytes when encoded in the Intel variable-length encoding. You would think that two shifts would result in marginally smaller code, but no, since the input comes in in rdi and needs to wind up in rax.

    On RISC-V, though, it seems to decide that two shifts is in fact cheaper, and will even optimize x & 0x3fff_ffff_ffff_ffff back into two shifts. 

  5. This only works on little endian. Thankfully all computers are little endian. 

  6. Technically, a &'static str may also point to leaked memory. For our purposes, there is no essential difference. 

A Gentle Introduction to LLVM IR

The other day, I saw this tweet. In it, Andrew Gallant argues that reaching for LLVM IR, instead of assembly, is a useful tool for someone working on performance. Unfortunately, learning material on LLVM is usually aimed at compiler engineers, not generalist working programmers.

Now, I’m a compiler engineer, so my answer is of course you should know your optimizer’s IR. But I do think there’s a legitimate reason to be able to read it, in the same way that being able to read assembly to understand what your processor is doing is a powerful tool. I wrote an introduction to assembly over a year ago (still have to finish the followups… 💀), which I recommend reading first.

Learning LLVM IR is similar, but it helps you understand what your compiler is doing to create highly optimized code. LLVM IR is very popular, and as such well-documented and reasonably well-specified, to the point that we can just treat it as a slightly weird programming language.

In this article, I want to dig into what LLVM IR is and how to read it.

What’s LLVM IR?

“LLVM” is an umbrella name for a number of software components that can be used to build compilers. If you write performance-critical code, you’ve probably heard of it.

Its flagship product is Clang, a high-end C/C++/Objective-C compiler. Clang follows the orthodox compiler architecture: a frontend that parses source code into an AST and lowers it into an intermediate representation, an “IR”; an optimizer (or “middle-end”) that transforms IR into better IR, and a backend that converts IR into machine code for a particular platform.

                               optimizer (opt)
                                   |   v
          .c file  -->  AST  -->  LLVM IR  -->  assembly
                    ^         ^             ^
                 parser    lowering    backend (llc)

         \____________________/  \_____________________/
             Clang Frontend                LLVM

LLVM often also refers to just the optimizer and backend parts of Clang; this is can be thought of as a compiler for the “LLVM language” or “LLVM assembly”. Clang, and other language frontends like Rust, essentially compile to LLVM IR, which LLVM then compiles to machine code.

LLVM IR is well documented and… somewhat stable, which makes it a very good compilation target, since language implementers can re-use the thousands of engineer hours poured into LLVM already. The source of truth for “what is LLVM IR?” is the LangRef.

LLVM IR is also binary format (sometimes called “bitcode”), although we will be working exclusively with its text format (which uses the .ll extension).

LLVM-targeting compilers will have debugging flags to make them emit IR instead of their final output. For Clang, this is e.g. clang++ -S -emit-llvm foo.cc, while for Rust this is rustc --emit=llvm-ir foo.rs. Godbolt will also respect these options and correctly display LLVM IR output.

Back to Basic Blocks

LLVM IR can be quite intimidating to read, since it contains much more ancillary information than an assembly dump. Consider this function:

pub fn square(x: i32) -> i32 {
  x * x

If you click on the “Godbolt” widget, it will take you to a Godbolt that lowers it to LLVM IR. Most of that code is just metadata, but it’s really intimidating!

Starting from compiler output will have a steep difficulty curve, because we have to face the full complexity of LLVM IR. For Rust, this will likely mean encountering exception-handling, which is how panics are implemented, and function attributes that forward Rust’s guarantees (e.g. non-null pointers) to LLVM.

Instead, we’ll start by introducing the basic syntax of LLVM IR, and then we’ll tackle reading compiler output.

A Trivial Function

The meat of LLVM IR is function definitions, introduced with a define. There is also declare, which has exactly the same purpose as a function without a body in C: it brings an external symbol into scope.

For example, the following function takes no arguments and returns immediately:

define void @do_nothing() {
  ret void

The return type of the function (void) immediately follows the define keyword; the name of the function starts with an @, which introduces us to the concept of sigils: every user-defined symbol starts with a sigil, indicating what kind of symbol it is. @ is used for global and functions: things you can take the address of (when used as a value, they are always ptr-typed).

The body of a function resembles assembly: a list of labels and instructions. Unlike ordinary assembly, however, there are significant restrictions on the structure of these instructions.

In this case, there is only one instruction: a void-typed return. Unlike most assembly languages, LLVM IR is strongly typed, and requires explicit type annotations almost everywhere.

Here is another trivial function.

define void @do_not_call() {

This function will trigger undefined behavior upon being called: the unreachable instruction represents a codepath that the compiler can assume is never executed; this is unlike e.g. the unimplemented ud2 instruction in x86, which is guaranteed to issue a fault.

This is an important distinction between LLVM IR and an assembly language: some operations are explicitly left undefined to leave room for potential optimizations. For example, LLVM can reason that, because @do_not_call immediately triggers undefined behavior, all calls to @do_not_call are also unreachable (and propagate unreachability from there).

Purely Scalar Code

Let’s start with basic functions that only operate on integers. Consider the following function, that squares a 32-bit integer:

define i32 @square(i32 %x) {
  %1 = mul i32 %x, %x
  ret i32 %1

Now our function takes arguments and has multiple instructions.

The argument is specified as i32 %x. Names a % sigil are sort of like local variables, but with some restrictions that make them more optimization-friendly; as we’ll see later, they’re not really “variable” at all. LLVM sometimes calls them registers; in a sense, LLVM IR is assembly for an abstract machine with an infinite number of registers. I’ll be calling %-prefixed names “registers” throughout this article.

i32 is a primitive integer types. All integer types in LLVM are of the form iN, for any N (even non-multiples of eight). There are no signed or unsigned types; instead, instructions that care about signedness will specify which semantic they use.

The first instruction is a mul i32, which multiples the two i32 operands together, and returns a value; we assign this to the new register %11. The next instruction returns this value.

The other arithmetic operations have the names you expect: add, sub, and, or, xor, shl (shift left). There are two division and remainder instructions, signed (sdiv, srem) and unsigned (udiv, urem). There two shift right instructions, again signed (ashr) and unsigned (lshr).

Exercise for the reader: why are /, %, and >> the only operations with signed and unsigned versions?

We can also convert from one integer type to another using trunc, zext, and sext, which truncate, zero-extend, and sign-extend, respectively (sext and zext are another signed/unsigned pair). For example, if we wanted the square function to never overflow, we could write

define i64 @square(i32 %x) {
  %1 = sext i32 %x to i64
  %2 = mul i64 %1, %1
  ret i64 %2

Here, we cast %x to i64 by sign-extension (since we’ve decided we’re squaring signed integers) and then square the result. trunc and zext both have the same syntax as sext.

“I’ll Be Back”

Of course, interesting functions have control flow. Suppose we want a safe division function: division by zero is UB, so we need to handle it explicitly. Perhaps something like this:

fn safe_div(n: u64, d: u64) -> u64 {
  if d == 0 { return u64::MAX; }
  n / d

We could try doing this using select, LLVM’s “ternary” operation.

define i64 @safe_div(i64 %n, i64 %d) {
  %1 = icmp eq i64 %d, 0
  %2 = udiv i64 %n, %d
  %3 = select i1 %1, i64 -1, i64 %2
  ret i64 %3

However, this has a problem: division by zero is UB2, and select is not short-circuiting: its semantics are closer to that of cmov in x86.

To compile this correctly, need to use the br instruction, which represents a general branch operation3. In C terms, a br i1 %cond, label %a, label %b is equivalent to if (cond) goto a; else goto b;.

This is how we might write that:

define i64 @safe_div(i64 %n, i64 %d) {
  %1 = icmp eq i64 %d, 0
  br i1 %1, label %iszero, label %nonzero

  ret i64 -1

  %2 = udiv i64 %n, %d
  ret i64 %2

Now our function has labels, which are used by the br instruction as jump targets.

In the first block, we do the d == 0 check, implemented by an icmp eq instruction. This returns an i1 (the type LLVM uses for booleans). We then pass the result into a br instruction, which jumps to the first label if it’s zero, otherwise to the second if it isn’t.

The second block is the early-return; it returns the “sentinel” value; the third block is self-explanatory.

Each of these blocks is a “basic block”: a sequence of non-control flow operations, plus an instruction that moves control flow away from the block. These blocks form the control flow graph (CFG) of the function.

There are a few other “block terminator” instructions. The one-argument form of br takes a single label, and is a simple unconditional goto. There’s also switch, which is similar to a C switch:

switch i32 %value, label %default [
  i32 0, label %if_zero
  i32 1, label %if_one,
  ; etc

The type of the switch must be an integer type. Although you could represent this operation with a chain of brs, a separate switch instruction makes it easier for LLVM to generate jump tables.

unreachable, which we saw before, is a special terminator that does not trigger control flow per se, but which can terminate a block because reaching it is undefined behavior; it is equivalent to e.g. std::unreachable() in C++.

LLVM Deleted My Code!

The unreachable instruction provides a good example of why LLVM uses a basic block CFG: a naive dead code elimination (DCE) optimization pass can be implemented as follows:

  1. Fill a set with every block that ends in unreachable.
  2. For every block, if its terminator references a block in the unreachable set, delete that label from the terminator. For example, if we have br i1 %c, label %a, label %b, and the unreachable set contains %a, we can replace this with a br label %b.
  3. If every outgoing edge from a block is deleted in (2), replace the terminator with unreachable.
  4. Delete all blocks in the unreachable set.
  5. Repeat from (1) as many times as desired.

Intuitively, unreachables bubble upwards in the CFG, dissolving parts of the CFG among them. Other passes can generate unreachables to represent UB: interplay between this and DCE results in the “the compiler will delete your code” outcome from UB.

The actual DCE pass is much more complicated, since function calls make it harder to decide if a block is “pure” and thus transparently deletable.

But, what if we want to implement something more complicated, like a / b + 1? This expression needs the intermediate result, so we can’t use two return statements as before.

Working around this is not so straightforward: if we try to assign the same register in different blocks, the IR verifier will complain. This brings us to the concept of static single assignment.

Phony! Phony!

LLVM IR is a static single assignment form (SSA) IR. LLVM was actually started at the turn of the century to create a modern SSA optimizer as an academic project. These days, SSA is extremely fashionable for optimizing imperative code.

SSA form means that every register is assigned by at most one instruction per function. Different executions of the same block in the same function may produce different values for particular registers, but we cannot mutate already-assigned registers.

In other words:

  1. Every register is guaranteed to be initialized by a single expression.
  2. Every register depends only on the values of registers assigned before its definition.

This has many useful properties for writing optimizations: for example, within a basic block, every use of a particular register %x always refers to the same value, which makes optimizations like global value numbering and constant-folding much simpler to write, since the state of a register throughout a block doesn’t need to be tracked separately.

In SSA, we reinterpret mutation as many versions of a single variable. Thus, we might lower x += y as

%x.1 = add i32 %x.0, %y.0

Here, we’ve used a var.n convention to indicate which version of a variable a specific register represents (LLVM does not enforce any naming conventions).

However, when loops enter the mix, it’s not clear how to manage versions. The number of registers in a function is static, but the number of loop iterations is dynamic.

Concretely, how do we implement this function?

fn pow(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 {
  let mut r = 1;
  for i in 0..y {
    r *= x;

We could try something like this:

define i32 @pow(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
  br label %loop

  %r = add i32 %r, %x  ; ERROR: Recursive definition.
  %i = add i32 %i, 1   ; ERROR: Recursive definition.
  %done = icmp eq i32 %i, %y
  br i1 %done, label %exit, label %loop

  ret i32 %r

But there’s a problem! What are the original definitions of %r and %i? The IR verifier will complain that these registers depend directly on themselves, which violates SSA form. What’s the “right” way to implement this function?

One option is to ask LLVM! We’ll implement the function poorly, and let the optimizer clean it up for us.

First, let’s write the function using memory operations, like loads and stores, to implement mutation. We can use the alloca instruction to create statically-sized stack slots; these instructions return a ptr[^clang-codegen].

Clang Makes a Mess, LLVM Cleans It Up

Incidentally, this is how Clang and Rust both generate LLVM IR: stack variables are turned into allocas and manipulated through loads and stores; temporaries are mostly turned into %regss, but the compiler will sometimes emit extra allocas to avoid thinking too hard about needing to create phi instructions.

This is pretty convenient, because it avoids needing to think very hard about SSA form outside of LLVM, and LLVM can trivially eliminate unnecessary allocas. The code I wrote for the codegen of @pow is very similar to what Rust would send to LLVM (although because we used an iterator, there’s a lot of extra junk Rust emits that LLVM has to work to eliminate).

define i32 @pow(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
  ; Create slots for r and the index, and initialize them.
  ; This is equivalent to something like
  ;   int i = 0, r = 1;
  ; in C.
  %r = alloca i32
  %i = alloca i32
  store i32 1, ptr %r
  store i32 0, ptr %i
  br label %loop_start

  ; Load the index and check if it equals y.
  %i.check = load i32, ptr %i
  %done = icmp eq i32 %i.check, %y
  br i1 %done, label %exit, label %loop

  ; r *= x
  %r.old = load i32, ptr %r
  %r.new = mul i32 %r.old, %x
  store i32 %r.new, ptr %r

  ; i += 1
  %i.old = load i32, ptr %i
  %i.new = add i32 %i.old, 1
  store i32 %i.new, ptr %i

  br label %loop_start

  %r.ret = load i32, ptr %r
  ret i32 %r.ret

Next, we can pass this into the LLVM optimizer. The command opt, which is part of the LLVM distribution, runs specific optimizer passes on the IR. In our case, we want opt -p mem2reg, which runs a single “memory to register” pass. We can also just run opt --O2 or similar to get similar4 optimizations to the ones clang -O2 runs.

This is the result.

; After running through `opt -p mem2reg`
define i32 @pow(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
  br label %loop_start

  %i.0 = phi i32 [0, %start], [%i.new, %loop]
  %r.0 = phi i32 [1, %start], [%r.new, %loop]
  %done = icmp eq i32 %i.0, %y
  br i1 %done, label %exit, label %loop

  %r.new = mul i32 %r.0, %x
  %i.new = add i32 %i.0, 1
  br label %loop_start

  ret i32 %r.0

The allocas are gone, but now we’re faced with a new instruction: phi. “φ node” is jargon from the original SSA paper; the greek letter φ means “phoney”. These instructions select a value from a list based on which basic block we jumped to the block from.

For example, phi i32 [0, %start], [%i.new, %loop] says “this value should be 0 if we came from the start block; otherwise %i.new if it came from %loop”.

Unlike all other instructions, phi can refer to values that are not defined in all blocks that dominate the current block. This lets us have a dynamic number of versions of a variable! Here’s what that looks like in a dynamic execution context.

A block %a is said to dominate a block %b if each of its predecessors is either %a or a block dominated by %a. In other words, every path from the first block to %b passes through %a. In general instructions can only refer to values defined in previous instructions in the current block or values from blocks that dominate it.

  1. %start directly jumps into %loop_start. The first block cannot be a jump target, since it cannot have phi nodes because its predecessors include function’s callsite.

  2. In %loop_start, since we’ve entered from %start, %i.0 and %r.0 are selected to be the first versions of the (platonic) i and r variables, i.e., their initial values; we jump to %loop.

  3. Then, %loop is dominated by %loop_start so we can use %i.0 and %r.0 there directly; these are the *= and += operations. Then we jump back to %loop_start.

  4. Back in %loop_start, the phis now select %i.new and %r.new, so now %i.0 and %r.0 are the second versions of i and r. By induction, the nth execution of %loop_start has the nth versions of i and r.

  5. When we finally get sent to %exit, we can use %r.0 (since %loop_start dominates %r.0), which will be the %yth version of r; this is our return value.

This is a good place to stop and think about what we’ve done so far. SSA, domination, and phis can be hard to wrap your head around, and are not absolutely necessary for reading most IR. However, it is absolutely worth trying to understand, because it captures essential facts about how compilers like to reason about code5.

With phi and br, we can build arbitrarily complicated control flow within a function6.

Types and Aggregates

Now that we have basic scalar functions, let’s review LLVM’s type system.

We’ve seen i32 and its friends; these are arbitrary-bit-with integers. i1 is special because it is used as the boolean type. LLVM optimizations have been known to generate integer types with non-power-of-two sizes.

LLVM also has float and double, and some exotic float types like bfloat; these use their own arithmetic instructions with different options. I’ll pass on them in this explainer; see fadd and friends in the LangRef for more.

We’ve also seen void, which is only used as a return value, and ptr, which is an untyped7 pointer.

We’ve also seen the label pseudo-type, which represents a block label. It does not appear directly at runtime and has limited uses; the token and metadata types are similar.

Arrays are spelled [n x T]; the number must be an integer and the type must have a definite size. E.g., [1024 x i8]. Zero-sized arrays are supported.

Structs are spelled {T1, T2, ...}. E.g., {i64, ptr} is a Rust slice. Struct fields do not have names and are indexed, instead. The form <{...}> is a packed struct, which removes inter-field padding. E.g. #[repr(packed)] compiles down to this.

Vectors are like arrays but spelled <n x T>. These are used to represent types used in SIMD operations. For example, adding two <4 x i32> would lower to an AVX2 vector add on x86. I will not touch on SIMD stuff beyond this, although at higher optimization levels LLVM will merge scalar operations into vector operations, so you may come across them.

Type aliases can be created at file scope with the syntax

%Slice = type {i64, ptr}

This means that %T can be either a type or a register/label inside of a function, depending on syntactic position.

Operations on Aggregates

The insertvalue and extractvalue can be used with struct or array types to statically access a field. For example,

%MyStruct = type {i32, {[5 x i8], i64}}

; In Rust-like syntax, this is `let v = s.1.0[4];`
%v = extractvalue %MyStruct %s, 1, 0, 4

insertvalue is the reverse: it produces a copy of the aggregate with a specific field changed. It does not mutate in-place, because SSA forbids that.

; In Rust-like syntax, this is
;   let s2 = { let mut s = s; s2.1.1 = 42; s };
%s2 = insertvalue %MyStruct %s, i64 42, 1, 1

There are similar operations called insertelement and extractelement work on vectors, but have slightly different syntax and semantics.

Finally, there’s getelementptr, the “pointer arithmetic instruction”, often abbreviated to GEP. A GEP can be used to calculate an offset pointer into a struct. For example,

define ptr @get_inner_in_array(ptr %p, i64 %idx) {
  %q = getelementptr %MyStruct, ptr %p, i64 %idx, i32 1, i32 1
  ret ptr %q

This function takes in a pointer, ostensibly pointing to an array of %MyStructs, and an index. This returns a pointer to the i64 field of the %idxth element of %p.

A few important differences between GEP and extractvalue:

  1. It takes an untyped pointer instead of a value of a particular struct/array type.
  2. There is an extra parameter that specifies an index; from the perspective of GEP, every pointer is a pointer to an array of unspecified bound. When operating on a pointer that does not (at runtime) point to an array, an index operand of 0 is still required. (Alternatively, you can view a pointer to T as being a pointer to a one-element array.)
  3. The index parameters need explicit types.

LLVM provides a helpful8 FAQ on the GEP instruction: https://llvm.org/docs/GetElementPtr.html.

Other Operations

Some other operations are very relevant for reading IR, but don’t fit into any specific category. As always, the LangRef provides a full description of what all of these instructions do.

Function Calls

call, which calls any ptr as a function. For example:

; Arguments are passed in parentheses.
%r = call i32 @my_func(i32 %x)

Note that this could have been a %reg instead of a @global, which indicates a function pointer call.

Sometimes you will see invoke, which is used to implement “call a function inside of a C++ try {} block”. This is rare in Rust, but can occur in some C++ code.

Function calls are often noisy areas of IR, because they will be very heavily annotated.


The load and store instructions we’ve already seen can be annotated as atomic, which is used to implement e.g. AtomicU32::load in Rust; this requires that an atomic ordering be specified, too. E.g.,

%v = load atomic i32, ptr %p acquire

The fence operation is a general memory fence operation corresponding to e.g. Rust’s std::sync::atomic::fence function.

cmpxchg provides the CAS (compare-and-swap) primitive. It returns a {T, i1} containing the old value and whether the CAS succeeded. cmpxchg weak implements the spuriously-failing “weak CAS” primitive.

Finally, atomicrmw performs a read-modify-write (e.g., *p = op(*p, val)) atomically. This is used to implement things like AtomicU32::fetch_add and friends.

All of these operations, except for fence, can also be marked as volatile. In LLVM IR, much like in Rust but unlike in C/C++, individual loads and stores are volatile (i.e., have compiler-invisible side-effects). volatile can be combined with atomic operations (e.g. load atomic volatile), although most languages don’t provide access to these (except older C++ versions).

Reinterpret Shenanigans

bitcast is what mem::transmute and reinterpret_cast in Rust and C++, respectively, ultimately compile into. It can convert any non-aggregate type (integers, vectors) to any other type of the same bit width. For example, it can be used to get at the bits of a floating-point value:

%bits = bitcast double %fp to i64

It also used to be what was used to cast pointer types (e.g. i32* to i8*). Pointers are now all untyped (ptr) so this use is no longer present.

However, bitcast cannot cast between pointer and integer data. For this we must use the inttoptr and ptrtoint9 instructions. These have the same syntax, but interact with the sketchy semantics of pointer-to-integer conversion and pointer provenance. This part of LLVM’s semantics is a bit of an ongoing trashfire; see Ralf Jung’s post for an introduction to this problem.


There is also a vast collection of LLVM intrinsics, which are specified in the LangRef. For example, if we need a particular built-in memcpy, we can bring it into scope with a declare:

; ptr %dst, ptr %src, i64 %len, i1 %volatile
declare void @llvm.memcpy.p0.p0.i64(ptr, ptr, i64, i1)

All of the LLVM intrinsics are functions that start with llvm.; diving into all of them is far beyond what we can do here.

I’m also leaving out discussion of floating point, SIMD, and exception handling, each of which would require their own articles!

Undefined Behavior

LLVM exists to generate optimized code, and optimizations require that we declare certain machine states “impossible”, so that we can detect when we can simplify what the programmer has said. This is “undefined behavior”.

For example, we’ve already encountered unreachable, which LLVM assumes cannot be executed. Division by zero and accessing memory out of bounds is also undefined.

Most LLVM UB factors through the concept of “poisoned values”. A poison value can be thought of as “taking on every value at once”, whichever is convenient for the current optimization pass with no respect to any other passes. This also means that if optimizations don’t detect a use of poison, it is ok from LLVM’s perspective to give you a garbage value. This is most visible at -O0, which performs minimal optimization.

Using a poison value as a pointer in a load, store, or call must be UB, because LLVM can choose it to be a null pointer. It also can’t be the denominator of a udiv or similar, because LLVM can choose it to be zero, which is UB. Passing poison into a br or a switch is also defined to be UB.

LLVM can perform dataflow analysis to try to determine what operations a poisonous value that was used in a UB way came from, and thus assume those operations cannot produce poison. Because all operations (other than select and phi) with a poison input produce poison, backwards reasoning allows LLVM to propagate UB forward. This is where so-called “time traveling UB” comes from.

Many operations generate poison. For example, in C, signed overflow is UB, so addition lowers to an add nsw (nsw stands for no signed wrap). Instead of wrapping on overflow, the instruction produces poison. There is also an unsigned version of the annotation, nuw.

Many other operations have “less defined” versions, which are either generated by optimizations, or inserted directly by the compiler that invokes LLVM when the language rules allow it (see C above). More examples include:

  • udiv and friends have an exact annotation, which requires that the division have a zero remainder, else poison.
  • getelementptr has an inbounds annotation, which produces poison if the access is actually out of bounds. This changes it from a pure arithmetic operation to one more closely matching C’s pointer arithmetic restrictions. GEP without inbounds corresponds to Rust’s <*mut T>::wrapping_offset() function.
  • Floating point operations marked with nnan and ninf will produce poison instead of a NaN or an infinite value, respectively (or when a NaN or infinity is an argument).

Creating poison is not UB; only using it is. This is weaker than the way UB works in most languages; in C, overflow is instantly UB, but in LLVM overflow that is never “witnessed” is simply ignored. This is a simpler operational semantics for reasoning about the validity of optimizations: UB must often be viewed as a side-effect, because the compiler will generate code that puts the program into a broken state. For example, division by zero will cause a fault in many architectures. This means UB-causing operations cannot always be reordered soundly. Replacing “causes UB” with “produces poison” ensures the vast majority of operations are pure and freely reorderable.

Reading Some Codegen

Let’s go back to our original Rust example!

pub fn square(x: i32) -> i32 {
  x * x

This is the output, with metadata redacted and some things moved around for readability.

source_filename = "example.b6eb2c7a6b40b4d2-cgu.0"
target datalayout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"

; example::square
define i32 @_ZN7example6square17hb32bcde4463f37c3E(i32 %x) unnamed_addr #0 {
  %0 = call { i32, i1 } @llvm.smul.with.overflow.i32(i32 %x, i32 %x)
  %_2.0 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %0, 0
  %_2.1 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %0, 1
  %1 = call i1 @llvm.expect.i1(i1 %_2.1, i1 false)
  br i1 %1, label %panic, label %bb1

  ret i32 %_2.0

  ; core::panicking::panic
  call void @_ZN4core9panicking5panic17ha338a74a5d65bf6fE(
    ptr align 1 @str.0,
    i64 33,
    ptr align 8 @alloc_1368addac7d22933d93af2809439e507

declare { i32, i1 } @llvm.smul.with.overflow.i32(i32, i32) #1
declare i1 @llvm.expect.i1(i1, i1) #2

; core::panicking::panic
declare void @_ZN4core9panicking5panic17ha338a74a5d65bf6fE(ptr align 1, i64, ptr align 8) unnamed_addr #3

@alloc_9be5c135c0f7c91e35e471f025924b11 = private unnamed_addr constant
  <{ [15 x i8] }>
  <{ [15 x i8] c"/app/example.rs" }>, align 1

@alloc_1368addac7d22933d93af2809439e507 = private unnamed_addr constant
  <{ ptr, [16 x i8] }> <{
    ptr @alloc_9be5c135c0f7c91e35e471f025924b11,
    [16 x i8] c"\0F\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\02\00\00\00\03\00\00\00"
  }>, align 8

@str.0 = internal constant [33 x i8] c"attempt to multiply with overflow"

attributes #0 = { nonlazybind uwtable }
attributes #1 = { nocallback nofree nosync nounwind speculatable willreturn memory(none) }
attributes #2 = { nocallback nofree nosync nounwind willreturn memory(none) }
attributes #3 = { cold noinline noreturn nonlazybind uwtable }

The main function is @_ZN7example6square17hb32bcde4463f37c3E, which is the mangled name of example::square. Because this code was compiled in debug mode, overflow panics, so we need to generate code for that. The first operation is a call to the LLVM intrinsic for “multiply and tell us if it overflowed”. This returns the equivalent of a (i32, bool); we extract both value out of it with extractvalue. We then pass the bool through @llvm.expect, which is used to tell the optimizer to treat the panicking branch as “cold”. The success branch goes to a return, which returns the product; otherwise, we go to a function that calls core::panicking::panic() to panic the current thread. This function never returns, so we can terminate the block with an unreachable.

The rest of the file consists of:

  • declares for the llvm intrinsics we used.
  • A declare for core::panicking::panic. Any external function we call needs to be declared. This also gives us a place to hang attributes for the function off of.
  • Global constants for a core::panic::Location and a panic message.
  • Attributes for the functions above.

This is a good place to mention attributes: LLVM has all kinds of attributes that can be placed on functions (and function calls) to record optimization-relevant information. For example, @llvm.expect.i1 is annotated as willreturn, which means this function will eventually return; this means that, for example, any UB that comes after the function is guaranteed to occur after finite time, so LLVM can conclude that the code is unreachable despite the call to @llvm.expect.i1. The full set of attributes is vast, but the LangRef documents all of them!


LLVM IR is huge, bigger than any individual ISA, because it is intended to capture every interesting operation. It also has a rich annotation language, so passes can record information for future passes to make use of. Its operational semantics attempt to leave enough space for optimizations to occur, while ensuring that multiple sound optimizations in sequence are not unsound (this last part is a work in progress).

Being able to read assembly reveals what will happen, exactly, when code is executed, but reading IR, before and after optimization, shows how the compiler is thinking about your code. Using opt to run individual optimization passes can also help further this understanding (in fact, “bisecting on passes” is a powerful debugging technique in compiler development).

I got into compilers by reading LLVM IR. Hopefully this article inspires you to learn more, too!

  1. Registers within a function may have a numeric name. They must be defined in order: you must define %0 (either as a register or a label), then %1, then %2, etc. These are often used to represent “temporary results”.

    If a function does not specify names for its parameters, they will be given the names %0, %1, etc implicitly, which affect what the first explicit numeric register name you can use is. Similarly, if the function does not start with a label, it will be implicitly be given the next numeric name.

    This can result in significant confusion, because if we have define void @foo(i32, i32) { ... }, the arguments will be %0 and %1, but if we tried to write %2 = add i32 %0, %1, we would get an extremely confusing parser error, because %2 is already taken as the name of the first block. 

  2. For some reason, the optimizer can’t figure out that the select is redundant? Alive2 (an SMT-solver correctness checker for optimizations) seems to agree this is a valid optimization.

    So I’ve filed a bug. :D 

  3. If you read my assembly article, you’ll recall that there are many branch instructions. On RV, we have beq, bne, bgt, and bge. Later on in the compilation process, after the optimizer runs, LLVM will perform instruction selection (isel) to choose the best machine instruction(s) to implement a particular LLVM instruction (or sequence), which is highly context-dependent: for example, we want to fuse an icmp eq followed by a br on the result into a beq.

    Isel is far outside my wheelhouse, and doing it efficiently and profitably is an active area of academic research. 

  4. Not exactly the same: language frontends like Clang and Rust will perform their own optimizations. For example, I have an open bug for LLVM being unable to convert && into & in some cases; this was never noticed, because Clang performs this optimization while lowering from C/C++ to LLVM, but Rust does not do the equivalent optimization. 

  5. A more intuitive model is used in more modern IRs, like MLIR. In MLIR, you cannot use variables defined in other blocks; instead, each block takes a set of arguments, just like a function call. This is equivalent to phi instructions, except that now instead of selecting which value we want in the target, each predecessor specifies what it wants to send to the target.

    If we instead treat each block as having “arguments”, we can rewrite it in the following fantasy syntax where register names are scoped to their block.

    ;; Not actual LLVM IR! ;;
    define i32 @pow(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
      br %loop_start(i32 0, i32 1)
    loop_start(i32 %i, i32 %r)
      %done = icmp eq i32 %i.0, %y
      br i1 %done, %exit(i32 %r), %loop(i32 %i, i32 %r)
    loop(i32 %i, i32 %r)
      %r.new = mul i32 %r, %x
      %i.new = add i32 %i, 1
      br %loop_start(i32 %i, i32 %r)
    exit(i32 %r)
      ret i32 %r

  6. What does the CFG look like? LLVM contains “optimization” passes that print the CFG as a file as a .dot file, which can be rendered with the dot command. For @safe_div, we get something like the following.

    This is useful for understanding complex functions. Consider this Rust hex-parsing function.

    // hex.rs
    fn parse_hex(data: &str) -> Option<u64> {
      let mut val = 0u64;
      for c in data.bytes() {
        let digit = match c {
          b'0'..=b'9' => c,
          b'a'..=b'f' => c - b'a' + 10,
          b'A'..=b'F' => c - b'A' + 10,
          _ => return None,
        val = val.checked_mul(16)?;
        val = val.checked_add(digit as u64)?;

    Then, we can generate our CFG with some shell commands.

    $ rustc -O --crate-type lib --emit llvm-ir hex.rs
    $ opt -p dot-cfg -o /dev/null hex.ll
    Writing '.parse_hex.dot'...
    $ dot -Tsvg .parse_hex.dot -o parse_hex.svg

    The result is this mess.

    Without optimizations, we get a bigger mess (most optimization passes are various CFG cleanups).

    Exercise: try to trace through what each basic block is doing. You will want to open the SVGs in a separate tab to do that. I recommend following the optimized version, since it is much less noisy.

    Comparing optimized vs. unoptimized is a good way to see how much the compiler does to simplify the stuff the language frontend gives it. At -O0? All allocas. At -O2? No allocas! 

  7. Once upon a time we had typed pointers, like i32*. These turned out to generate more problems than they solved, requiring frequent casts in IR in exchange for mediocre type safety. See https://llvm.org/docs/OpaquePointers.html for a more complete history. 

  8. Sarcasm. 

  9. I quietly judge LLVM for having instructions named inttoptr when int2ptr just reads so much nicer. 

Single Abstract Method Traits

Rust and C++ both have very similar operational semantics for their “anonymous function” expressions (they call them “closures” and “lambdas” respectively; I will use these interchangably). Here’s what those expressions look like.

auto square = [](int x) { return x * x; }
let square = |x: i32| x * x;

The type of square in both versions is an anonymous type that holds the captures for that closure. In C++, this type provides an operator() member that can be used to call it, wheras in Rust, it implements FnOnce (and possibly FnMut and Fn, depending on the captures), which represent a “callable” object.

For the purposes of this article, I am going to regard “function item values” as being identical to closures that explicitly specify their inputs and outputs for all intents and purposes. This is not completely accurate, because when I write let x = drop;, the resulting object is generic, but whenever I say “a closure” in Rust, I am also including these closure-like types too.

There is one thing C++ closures can express which Rust closures can’t: you can’t create a “generic” closure in Rust. In particular, in C++ we can write this code.

template <typename Fn>
size_t CallMany(Fn fn) {
  return fn(std::vector{5}) + fn(std::string("foo"));

CallMany([](auto& val) { return val.size(); });

The auto keyword in a closure in C++ does not work like in Rust. In Rust, if try to write “equivalent” code, let x = |val| val.len();, on its own, we get this error:

error[E0282]: type annotations needed
 --> <source>:4:12
4 |   let x = |val| val.len();
  |            ^^^  --- type must be known at this point
help: consider giving this closure parameter an explicit type
4 |   let x = |val: /* Type */| val.len();
  |               ++++++++++++

This is because in Rust, a closure argument without a type annotation means “please deduce what this should be”, so it participates in Rust’s type inference, wheras in C++ an auto argument means “make this a template parameter of operator()”.

How would we implement CallMany in Rust, anyways? We could try but we quickly hit a problem:

trait Len {
  fn len(&self) -> usize;

fn call_many(f: impl Fn(???) -> usize) {
  f(vec![5]) + f("foo")

What should we put in the ???? It can’t be a type parameter of call_many, since that has a concrete value in the body of the function. We want to say that Fn can accept any argument that implements len. There isn’t even syntax to describe this, but you could imagine adding a version of for<...> that works on types, and write something like this.

trait Len {
  fn len(&self) -> usize;

fn call_many(f: impl for<T: Len> Fn(&T) -> usize) -> usize {
  f(vec![5]) + f("foo")

The imaginary syntax for<T: Len> Fn(&T) -> usize means “implements Fn for all all types T that implement Len”. This is a pretty intense thing to ask rustc to prove. It is not unachievable, but it would be hard to implement.

For the purposes of this article, I am going to consider for<T> a plausible, if unlikely, language feature. I will neither assume it will ever happen, nor that we should give up on ever having it. This “middle of uncertainty” is important to ensure that we do not make adding this feature impossible in the discussion that follows.

A Workaround

Let’s examine the Fn trait, greatly simplified.

pub trait Fn<Args> {
  type Output;
  fn call(&self, args: Args) -> Self::Output;

Fn::call is analogous to operator() in C++. When we say that we want a “generic closure”, we mean that we want to instead have a trait that looks a bit more like this:

pub trait Fn {
  type Output<Args>;
  fn call<Args>(&self, args: Args) -> Self::Output<Args>;

Notice how Args has moved from being a trait parameter to being a function parameter, and Output now depends on it. This is a slightly different formulation from what we described above, because we are no longer demanding an infinitude of trait implementations, but now the implementation of one trait with a generic method.

For our specific example, we want something like this.

trait Len {
  fn len(&self) -> usize;

trait Callback {
  fn run(&self, val: impl Len) -> usize;

fn call_many(f: impl Callback) -> usize {
  f.run(vec![5]) + f.run("foo")

This compiles and expresses what we want precisely: we want to call f on arbitrary impl Len types.

But how do we call call_many? That starts to get pretty ugly.

struct CbImpl;
impl Callback for CbImpl {
  fn run(&self, val: impl Len) -> usize {


This has the potential to get really, really ugly. I used this pattern for a non-allocating visitor I wrote recently, and it wasn’t pretty. I had to write a macro to cut down on the boilerplate.

macro_rules! resume_by {
  ($parser:expr, $cb:expr) => {{
    struct Cb<'a, 's> {
      parser: &'a Parser<'s>,
      start: Option<u32>,

    impl<'s> Resume<'s> for Cb<'_, 's> {
      fn resume(
        &mut self,
        visitor: &mut impl Visitor<'s>,
      ) -> Result<(), Error> {
          &mut self.start,
          || ($cb)(self.parser, &mut *visitor),

    Cb { parser: $parser, start: None }

This macro is, unsurprisingly, quite janky. It also can’t really do captures, because the $cb argument that contains the actual code is buried inside of a nested impl.

You might think “well Miguel, why don’t you hoist $cb into the Cb struct?” The problem is now that I need to write impl<'s, F: FnMut(&Parser<'s>, ???)> so that I can actually call the callback in the body of Resume::resume, but that brings us back to our trait bound problem from the start!

This is a general problem with this type of solution: there is no macro you can write that will capture an arbitrary closure to implement a trait by calling that closure, if the method being implemented is generic, because if you could, I wouldn’t have to bother with the macro.

Let’s Talk About Java

Java gets a bad rap but the core language does have some interesting features in it. A very handy one is an anonymous class.

Let’s suppose I want to pass a callback into something. In Java 6, which I grew up on, you did it like this:

public interface Callback {
  int run(int arg);

public int runMyThing(Callback cb) {
  return cb.run(42);

runMyThing(new Callback() {
  public int run(int arg) { return arg * arg; }

The new Interface() {...} syntax mints a new class on the spot that implements Interface. You provide a standard class body between the braces, after the name of the type. You can also do this with a class type too.

Now, this is a bit tedious: I need to re-type the signature of the one method. This is fine if I need to implement a bunch of methods, but it’s a little annoying in the one-method case.

In Java 8 we got lambdas (syntax: x -> expr). Java made the interesting choice of not adding a Function type to be “the type of lambdas”. For a long time I thought this was a weird cop-out but I have since come to regard it as a masterclass in language design.

Instead, Java’s lambdas are a sort of syntax sugar over this anonymous class syntax.1 Instead, you need to assign a lambda to an interface type with a single abstract method, and it will use the body of the lambda to implement that one method.

Interfaces compatible with lambdas are called single abstract method (SAM) interfaces.

So, without needing to touch the existing library, I can turn the new syntax into this:

runMyThing(x -> x * x);

chef’s kiss

Mind, Java does provide a mess of “standard function interfaces” in the java.util.functional package, and quite a bit of the standard library uses them, but they don’t need to express the totality of functions you might want to capture as objects.

These “SAM closures” give closures a powerful “BYO interface” aspect. Lambdas in Java are not “function objects”, they are extremely lightweight anonymous classes the pertinent interface.

I think this can let us cut the gordian knot of generic closures in Rust.

SAM in Rust

In what remains I will propose how we can extend the traits that closures implement to be any SAM trait, in addition to the traits they implement ipso facto.

What’s a SAM trait in Rust? It’s any trait T with precisely ONE method that does not have a default implementation, which must satisfy the following constraints:

  1. It must have a self parameter with type Self, &Self, or &mut Self.
  2. It does not mention Self in any part of its argument types, its return type, or its where clauses, except for the aforementioned self parameter.
  3. Has no associated consts and no GATs.
  4. All of its supertraits are Copy, Send, or Sync.

These restrictions are chosen so that we have a shot at actually implementing the entire trait.

In addition to the Fn traits, ordinary closures automatically implement Clone, Copy, Send, and Sync as appropriate.

None of these traits are SAM, so we can safely allow them to be automatically derived for SAM closures to, under the same rules as for ordinary closures.

To request a SAM closure, I will use the tentative syntax of impl Trait |args| expr. This syntax is unambiguously an expression rather than an impl item, because a | cannot appear in a path-in-type, and impl $path must be followed by {, for or where. The precise syntax is unimportant.

Applied to the call_many example above, we get this.

fn call_many(f: impl Callback) -> usize {
  f.run(vec![5]) + f.run("foo")

call_many(impl Callback |x| x.len());

The compiler rewrites this into something like this.

fn call_many(f: impl Callback) -> usize {
  f.run(vec![5]) + f.run("foo")

struct CallbackImpl;
impl Callback for CallbackImpl {
  fn run(&self, x: impl Len) -> usize {


This rewrite can happen relatively early, before we need to infer a type for x. We also need to verify that this trait’s captures are compatible with an &self receiver The same rules for when a trait implements Fn, FnMut, and FnOnce would decide which of the three receiver types the closure is compatible with.

Note that SAM closures WOULD NOT implement any Fn traits.

More Complicated Examples

We are required to name the trait we want but its type parameters can be left up in the air. For example:

pub trait Tr<T> {
  type Out;
  fn run(x: T, y: impl Display) -> Option<Self::Out>;

// We can infer `T = i32` and `Tr::Out = String`.
let tr = impl Tr<_> |x: i32, y| Some(format!("{}, {}"));

In general, unspecified parameters and associated types result in inference variables, which are resolved in the same way as the parameters of the Fn closures are.

In fact, we can emulate ordinary closures using SAM closures.

let k = 100;
let x = Some(42);
let y = x.map(impl FnOnce(_) -> _ move |x| x * k);

Note that because Fn and FnMut have non-trival supertraits we can’t make them out of SAM closures.

One application is to completely obsolete std::iter::from_fn.

fn fibonacci() -> impl Iterator<Item = u64> + Copy {
  let state = [1, 1];
  impl Iterator move || {
    let old = state[0];

    state[0] = state[1];
    state[1] += ret;


Or, if you need a quick helper implementation of Debug

impl fmt::Debug for Thing {
  fn fmt(&self, f: fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
    .entry(&impl Debug |f| {
      write!(f, "something something {}", self.next_thingy())

There are probably additional restrictions we will want to place on the SAM trait, but it’s not immediately clear what the breadth of those are. For example, we probably shouldn’t try to make this work:

trait UniversalFactory {
  fn make<T>() -> T;

let f = impl UniversalFactory || {
  // How do I name T so that I can pass it to size_of?

There are definitely clever tricks you can play to make this work, but the benefit seems slim.

Future Work

There’s two avenues for how we could extend this concept. The first is straightforward and desireable; the second is probably unimplementable.

Anonymous Trait Impls

Backing up from the Java equivalent of lambdas, it seems not unreasonable to have a full-fledged expression version of impl that can make captures.

Syntactically, I will use impl Trait for { ... }. This is currently unambiguous, although I think that making it so that { cannot start a type is probably a non-starter.

Let’s pick something mildly complicated… like Iterator with an overriden method. Then we might write something like this.

let my_list = &foo[...];
let mut my_iterator = impl Iterator for {
  type Item = i32;

  fn next(&mut self) -> Option<i32> {
    let head = *my_list.get(0)?;
    my_list = &my_list[1..];

  fn count(self) -> usize {

The contents of the braces after for is an item list, except that variables from the outside are available, having the semantics of captures; they are, in effect, accesses of self without the self. prefix.

Hammering out precisely how this would interact with the self types of the functions in the body seems… complicated. Pretty doable, just fussy. There are also awkward questions about what Self is here and to what degree you’re allowed to interact with it.

Trait Inference

Suppose that we could instead “just” write impl |x| x * x and have the compiler figure out what trait we want (to say nothing of making this the default behavior and dropping the leading impl keyword).

This means that I could just write

fn call_many(f: impl Callback) -> usize {
  f.run(vec![5]) + f.run("foo")

call_many(impl |x| x.len());

We get into trouble fast.

trait T1 {
  fn foo(&self);

trait T2 {
  fn foo(&self);

impl<T: T1> T2 for T {
  fn foo(&self) {
    println!("not actually gonna call T1::foo() lmao");

let x = || println!("hello");
T2::foo(&x);  // What should this print?

If the type of x implements T2 directly, we print "hello", but if we decide it implements T1 instead, it doesn’t, because we get the blanket impl. If it decides it should implement both… we get a coherence violation.

Currently, rustc does not have to produce impls “on demand”; the trait solver has a finite set of impls to look at. What we are asking the trait solver to do is to, for certain types, attempt to reify impls based on usage. I.e., I have my opaque closure type T and I the compiler decided it needed to prove a T: Foo bound so now it gets to perform type checking to validate whether it has an impl.

This seems unimplementable with how the solver currently works. It is not insurmountable! But it would be very hard.

It is possible that there are relaxations of this that are not insane to implement, e.g. the impl || expression is used to initialize an argument to a function that happens to be generic, so we can steal the bounds off of that type variable and hope it’s SAM. But realistically, this direction is more trouble than its worth.


Generic lambdas are extremely powerful in C++, and allow for very slick API designs; I often miss them in Rust. Although it feels like there is an insurmountable obstruction, I hope that the SAM interface approach offers a simpler, and possibly more pragmatic, approach to making them work in Rust.

  1. Except for the part where they are extremely not. Where new T() {} mints a brand new class and accompanying .class file, Java lambdas use this complicated machinery from Java 7 to generate method handles on the fly, via the invokedynamic JVM instruction. This, I’m told, makes them much easier to optimize.