Single Abstract Method Traits

Rust and C++ both have very similar operational semantics for their “anonymous function” expressions (they call them “closures” and “lambdas” respectively; I will use these interchangably). Here’s what those expressions look like.

auto square = [](int x) { return x * x; }
let square = |x: i32| x * x;

The type of square in both versions is an anonymous type that holds the captures for that closure. In C++, this type provides an operator() member that can be used to call it, wheras in Rust, it implements FnOnce (and possibly FnMut and Fn, depending on the captures), which represent a “callable” object.

For the purposes of this article, I am going to regard “function item values” as being identical to closures that explicitly specify their inputs and outputs for all intents and purposes. This is not completely accurate, because when I write let x = drop;, the resulting object is generic, but whenever I say “a closure” in Rust, I am also including these closure-like types too.

There is one thing C++ closures can express which Rust closures can’t: you can’t create a “generic” closure in Rust. In particular, in C++ we can write this code.

template <typename Fn>
size_t CallMany(Fn fn) {
  return fn(std::vector{5}) + fn(std::string("foo"));

CallMany([](auto& val) { return val.size(); });

The auto keyword in a closure in C++ does not work like in Rust. In Rust, if try to write “equivalent” code, let x = |val| val.len();, on its own, we get this error:

error[E0282]: type annotations needed
 --> <source>:4:12
4 |   let x = |val| val.len();
  |            ^^^  --- type must be known at this point
help: consider giving this closure parameter an explicit type
4 |   let x = |val: /* Type */| val.len();
  |               ++++++++++++

This is because in Rust, a closure argument without a type annotation means “please deduce what this should be”, so it participates in Rust’s type inference, wheras in C++ an auto argument means “make this a template parameter of operator()”.

How would we implement CallMany in Rust, anyways? We could try but we quickly hit a problem:

trait Len {
  fn len(&self) -> usize;

fn call_many(f: impl Fn(???) -> usize) {
  f(vec![5]) + f("foo")

What should we put in the ???? It can’t be a type parameter of call_many, since that has a concrete value in the body of the function. We want to say that Fn can accept any argument that implements len. There isn’t even syntax to describe this, but you could imagine adding a version of for<...> that works on types, and write something like this.

trait Len {
  fn len(&self) -> usize;

fn call_many(f: impl for<T: Len> Fn(&T) -> usize) -> usize {
  f(vec![5]) + f("foo")

The imaginary syntax for<T: Len> Fn(&T) -> usize means “implements Fn for all all types T that implement Len”. This is a pretty intense thing to ask rustc to prove. It is not unachievable, but it would be hard to implement.

For the purposes of this article, I am going to consider for<T> a plausible, if unlikely, language feature. I will neither assume it will ever happen, nor that we should give up on ever having it. This “middle of uncertainty” is important to ensure that we do not make adding this feature impossible in the discussion that follows.

A Workaround

Let’s examine the Fn trait, greatly simplified.

pub trait Fn<Args> {
  type Output;
  fn call(&self, args: Args) -> Self::Output;

Fn::call is analogous to operator() in C++. When we say that we want a “generic closure”, we mean that we want to instead have a trait that looks a bit more like this:

pub trait Fn {
  type Output<Args>;
  fn call<Args>(&self, args: Args) -> Self::Output<Args>;

Notice how Args has moved from being a trait parameter to being a function parameter, and Output now depends on it. This is a slightly different formulation from what we described above, because we are no longer demanding an infinitude of trait implementations, but now the implementation of one trait with a generic method.

For our specific example, we want something like this.

trait Len {
  fn len(&self) -> usize;

trait Callback {
  fn run(&self, val: impl Len) -> usize;

fn call_many(f: impl Callback) -> usize {![5]) +"foo")

This compiles and expresses what we want precisely: we want to call f on arbitrary impl Len types.

But how do we call call_many? That starts to get pretty ugly.

struct CbImpl;
impl Callback for CbImpl {
  fn run(&self, val: impl Len) -> usize {


This has the potential to get really, really ugly. I used this pattern for a non-allocating visitor I wrote recently, and it wasn’t pretty. I had to write a macro to cut down on the boilerplate.

macro_rules! resume_by {
  ($parser:expr, $cb:expr) => {{
    struct Cb<'a, 's> {
      parser: &'a Parser<'s>,
      start: Option<u32>,

    impl<'s> Resume<'s> for Cb<'_, 's> {
      fn resume(
        &mut self,
        visitor: &mut impl Visitor<'s>,
      ) -> Result<(), Error> {
          &mut self.start,
          || ($cb)(self.parser, &mut *visitor),

    Cb { parser: $parser, start: None }

This macro is, unsurprisingly, quite janky. It also can’t really do captures, because the $cb argument that contains the actual code is buried inside of a nested impl.

You might think “well Miguel, why don’t you hoist $cb into the Cb struct?” The problem is now that I need to write impl<'s, F: FnMut(&Parser<'s>, ???)> so that I can actually call the callback in the body of Resume::resume, but that brings us back to our trait bound problem from the start!

This is a general problem with this type of solution: there is no macro you can write that will capture an arbitrary closure to implement a trait by calling that closure, if the method being implemented is generic, because if you could, I wouldn’t have to bother with the macro.

Let’s Talk About Java

Java gets a bad rap but the core language does have some interesting features in it. A very handy one is an anonymous class.

Let’s suppose I want to pass a callback into something. In Java 6, which I grew up on, you did it like this:

public interface Callback {
  int run(int arg);

public int runMyThing(Callback cb) {

runMyThing(new Callback() {
  public int run(int arg) { return arg * arg; }

The new Interface() {...} syntax mints a new class on the spot that implements Interface. You provide a standard class body between the braces, after the name of the type. You can also do this with a class type too.

Now, this is a bit tedious: I need to re-type the signature of the one method. This is fine if I need to implement a bunch of methods, but it’s a little annoying in the one-method case.

In Java 8 we got lambdas (syntax: x -> expr). Java made the interesting choice of not adding a Function type to be “the type of lambdas”. For a long time I thought this was a weird cop-out but I have since come to regard it as a masterclass in language design.

Instead, Java’s lambdas are a sort of syntax sugar over this anonymous class syntax.1 Instead, you need to assign a lambda to an interface type with a single abstract method, and it will use the body of the lambda to implement that one method.

Interfaces compatible with lambdas are called single abstract method (SAM) interfaces.

So, without needing to touch the existing library, I can turn the new syntax into this:

runMyThing(x -> x * x);

chef’s kiss

Mind, Java does provide a mess of “standard function interfaces” in the java.util.functional package, and quite a bit of the standard library uses them, but they don’t need to express the totality of functions you might want to capture as objects.

These “SAM closures” give closures a powerful “BYO interface” aspect. Lambdas in Java are not “function objects”, they are extremely lightweight anonymous classes the pertinent interface.

I think this can let us cut the gordian knot of generic closures in Rust.

SAM in Rust

In what remains I will propose how we can extend the traits that closures implement to be any SAM trait, in addition to the traits they implement ipso facto.

What’s a SAM trait in Rust? It’s any trait T with precisely ONE method that does not have a default implementation, which must satisfy the following constraints:

  1. It must have a self parameter with type Self, &Self, or &mut Self.
  2. It does not mention Self in any part of its argument types, its return type, or its where clauses, except for the aforementioned self parameter.
  3. Has no associated consts and no GATs.
  4. All of its supertraits are Copy, Send, or Sync.

These restrictions are chosen so that we have a shot at actually implementing the entire trait.

In addition to the Fn traits, ordinary closures automatically implement Clone, Copy, Send, and Sync as appropriate.

None of these traits are SAM, so we can safely allow them to be automatically derived for SAM closures to, under the same rules as for ordinary closures.

To request a SAM closure, I will use the tentative syntax of impl Trait |args| expr. This syntax is unambiguously an expression rather than an impl item, because a | cannot appear in a path-in-type, and impl $path must be followed by {, for or where. The precise syntax is unimportant.

Applied to the call_many example above, we get this.

fn call_many(f: impl Callback) -> usize {![5]) +"foo")

call_many(impl Callback |x| x.len());

The compiler rewrites this into something like this.

fn call_many(f: impl Callback) -> usize {![5]) +"foo")

struct CallbackImpl;
impl Callback for CallbackImpl {
  fn run(&self, x: impl Len) -> usize {


This rewrite can happen relatively early, before we need to infer a type for x. We also need to verify that this trait’s captures are compatible with an &self receiver The same rules for when a trait implements Fn, FnMut, and FnOnce would decide which of the three receiver types the closure is compatible with.

Note that SAM closures WOULD NOT implement any Fn traits.

More Complicated Examples

We are required to name the trait we want but its type parameters can be left up in the air. For example:

pub trait Tr<T> {
  type Out;
  fn run(x: T, y: impl Display) -> Option<Self::Out>;

// We can infer `T = i32` and `Tr::Out = String`.
let tr = impl Tr<_> |x: i32, y| Some(format!("{}, {}"));

In general, unspecified parameters and associated types result in inference variables, which are resolved in the same way as the parameters of the Fn closures are.

In fact, we can emulate ordinary closures using SAM closures.

let k = 100;
let x = Some(42);
let y = FnOnce(_) -> _ move |x| x * k);

Note that because Fn and FnMut have non-trival supertraits we can’t make them out of SAM closures.

One application is to completely obsolete std::iter::from_fn.

fn fibonacci() -> impl Iterator<Item = u64> + Copy {
  let state = [1, 1];
  impl Iterator move || {
    let old = state[0];

    state[0] = state[1];
    state[1] += ret;


Or, if you need a quick helper implementation of Debug

impl fmt::Debug for Thing {
  fn fmt(&self, f: fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
    .entry(&impl Debug |f| {
      write!(f, "something something {}", self.next_thingy())

There are probably additional restrictions we will want to place on the SAM trait, but it’s not immediately clear what the breadth of those are. For example, we probably shouldn’t try to make this work:

trait UniversalFactory {
  fn make<T>() -> T;

let f = impl UniversalFactory || {
  // How do I name T so that I can pass it to size_of?

There are definitely clever tricks you can play to make this work, but the benefit seems slim.

Future Work

There’s two avenues for how we could extend this concept. The first is straightforward and desireable; the second is probably unimplementable.

Anonymous Trait Impls

Backing up from the Java equivalent of lambdas, it seems not unreasonable to have a full-fledged expression version of impl that can make captures.

Syntactically, I will use impl Trait for { ... }. This is currently unambiguous, although I think that making it so that { cannot start a type is probably a non-starter.

Let’s pick something mildly complicated… like Iterator with an overriden method. Then we might write something like this.

let my_list = &foo[...];
let mut my_iterator = impl Iterator for {
  type Item = i32;

  fn next(&mut self) -> Option<i32> {
    let head = *my_list.get(0)?;
    my_list = &my_list[1..];

  fn count(self) -> usize {

The contents of the braces after for is an item list, except that variables from the outside are available, having the semantics of captures; they are, in effect, accesses of self without the self. prefix.

Hammering out precisely how this would interact with the self types of the functions in the body seems… complicated. Pretty doable, just fussy. There are also awkward questions about what Self is here and to what degree you’re allowed to interact with it.

Trait Inference

Suppose that we could instead “just” write impl |x| x * x and have the compiler figure out what trait we want (to say nothing of making this the default behavior and dropping the leading impl keyword).

This means that I could just write

fn call_many(f: impl Callback) -> usize {![5]) +"foo")

call_many(impl |x| x.len());

We get into trouble fast.

trait T1 {
  fn foo(&self);

trait T2 {
  fn foo(&self);

impl<T: T1> T2 for T {
  fn foo(&self) {
    println!("not actually gonna call T1::foo() lmao");

let x = || println!("hello");
T2::foo(&x);  // What should this print?

If the type of x implements T2 directly, we print "hello", but if we decide it implements T1 instead, it doesn’t, because we get the blanket impl. If it decides it should implement both… we get a coherence violation.

Currently, rustc does not have to produce impls “on demand”; the trait solver has a finite set of impls to look at. What we are asking the trait solver to do is to, for certain types, attempt to reify impls based on usage. I.e., I have my opaque closure type T and I the compiler decided it needed to prove a T: Foo bound so now it gets to perform type checking to validate whether it has an impl.

This seems unimplementable with how the solver currently works. It is not insurmountable! But it would be very hard.

It is possible that there are relaxations of this that are not insane to implement, e.g. the impl || expression is used to initialize an argument to a function that happens to be generic, so we can steal the bounds off of that type variable and hope it’s SAM. But realistically, this direction is more trouble than its worth.


Generic lambdas are extremely powerful in C++, and allow for very slick API designs; I often miss them in Rust. Although it feels like there is an insurmountable obstruction, I hope that the SAM interface approach offers a simpler, and possibly more pragmatic, approach to making them work in Rust.

  1. Except for the part where they are extremely not. Where new T() {} mints a brand new class and accompanying .class file, Java lambdas use this complicated machinery from Java 7 to generate method handles on the fly, via the invokedynamic JVM instruction. This, I’m told, makes them much easier to optimize. 

Better Trait Resolution in Rust

Traits are the core of polymorphism in Rust. Let’s review:

trait Stringer {
  fn string(&self) -> String;

impl Stringer for i32 {
  fn string(&self) -> String {

// Prints `42`.
println!("{}", 42.string());

Notice that we call the trait method Stringer::string directly on the value in question. This means that traits (at least, those currently in scope) inject their methods into the namespace of anything that implements them.

Now, this isn’t immediately a problem, because Rust’s namespace lookup rules are such that methods inherent to a type are searched for first:

trait Stringer {
  fn string(&self) -> String;

struct Woofer;
impl Stringer for Woofer {
  fn string(&self) -> String {

impl Woofer {
  fn string(&self) -> String {

// Prints `bark`.
println!("{}", Woofer.string());

This means that traits cannot easily break downstream code by adding new methods, but there are a few possible hazards:

  • If the owner of a type adds a method with the same name as a trait method, it will override direct (i.e., foo.string()) calls to that trait method, even if the type owner is unaware of the trait method.

  • If traits A and B are in scope, and String implements both, and we call (which resolves to A::foo()), and later B adds a new method B::foo(), the callsite for String will break. A and B’s owners do not need to be aware of each other for this to happen.

Of course, Rust has a disambiguation mechanism. Given any trait implementation Foo: Bar, we can reference its items by writing <Foo as Bar>::baz. However, this syntax is very unweildy (it doesn’t work with method chaining), so it doesn’t get used. As a result, small evolution hazards can build up in a large codebase.

Those who know me know that I often talk about a syntax that I call foo.Trait::method(), or “qualified method call syntax”. In this post, I want to discuss this syntax in more detail, and some related ideas, and how they factor into type and trait design.


This idea isn’t new; others have proposed it, and it forms the core of Carbon’s version of trait method calls (you can read more about Carbon’s name lookup story here).

Let’s recreate the original example in Carbon (bear in mind that I am not an expert on this language, and the semantics are still up in the air).

interface Stringer {
  fn String[self: Self]() -> String;

external impl i32 as Stringer {
  fn String[self: Self]() -> String { ... }

fn Run() {

Notice 42.(Stringer.String)(): Carbon requires that we qualify the method call, because 42 has the concrete type i32. If this were in a generic context and we had a type variable bounded by Stringer, we could just write x.String(); no ambiguity.

In Carbon, all qualification uses ., so they have to add parens. Because Rust uses :: for qualifying paths, we don’t have this syntactic abiguity, so we can augment the syntax to allow more path expressions after the ..

The current grammar is

MethodCallExpression :
   Expression . PathExprSegment (CallParams?)

PathExprSegment :
   PathIdentSegment (:: GenericArgs)?

That is, exactly one identifier and an optional turbofish. I would like to see this extended to allow any QualifiedPathInExpression after the . and before the parens. This would allow, for example:

  • expr.Trait::method()
  • expr.Self::method()
  • expr.<Foo as Trait>::method()
  • expr.::path::to::Trait::<Args>::method::<MoreArgs>()

These would all be desugared as the equivalent UFCS, taking into account that method call syntax can trigger autoref.

  • Trait::method(expr)
  • Self::method(expr)
  • <Foo as Trait>::method(expr)
  • ::path::to::Trait::<Args>::method::<MoreArgs>(expr)

The method would still need to be valid to have been called via . syntax; I’m not proposing we add the following, even though it is unambiguous.

fn square(x: i32) -> i32 {
  x * x

// Would be equivalent to `square(42)`.

Trait method callers can now use qualified method call syntax where they might want to use UFCS without issues around wordiness.

Impl Modality

Of course, this isn’t the only idea from Carbon’s interfaces worth stealing; Carbon also has a notion of “external” and “internal” impls; I will call these “impl modes”.

An external impl is like the one we showed above, whose methods can only be found by qualified lookup: foo.(Bar.Baz)(). An internal impl is one which is “part” of a type.

interface Stringer {
  fn String[self: Self]() -> String;

class Woofer {
  impl as Stringer {
    fn String[self: Self]() -> String { ... }

fn Run() {
  let w: Woofer = ...;
  w.String()  // Unqualified!

This also implies that we don’t need to import Stringer to call w.String().

There are definitely traits in Rust which fit into these modes.

Clone and Iterator almost always want to be internal. An iterator exists to implement Iterator, and cloning is a fundamental operation. Because both of these traits are in the prelude, it’s not a problem, but it is a problem for traits provided by a non-std crate, like rand::Rng. The lack of a way to do this leads to the proliferation of prelude modules and namespace pollution. (I think that preludes are bad library design.)

On the other hand, something like Debug wants to be external very badly. It almost never makes sense to call foo.fmt(), since that gets called for you by println! and friends; not to mention that all of the std::fmt traits have a method fmt(), making such a call likely to need disambiguation with UFCS. Borrow is similar; it exists to be a bound for things like Cow more than to provide the .borrow() method.

There’s also a third mode, which I will call “extension impls”. These want to inject methods into a type, either to extend it, like itertools, or as part of some framework, like tap. This use of traits is somewhat controversial, but I can sympathize with wanting to have this.

If we have paths-as-methods, we can use this classification to move towards something more like the Carbon model of method lookup, without impacting existing uses.

My strawman is to add a #[mode] attribute to place on trait impls, which allows a caller to select the behavior:

  • #[mode(extension)] is today’s behavior. The impl’s trait must be in scope so that unqualified calls like foo.method() resolve to it.
  • #[mode(internal)] makes it so that foo.method() can resolve to a method from this impl without its trait being in scope1. It can only be applied to impls that are such that you could write a corresponding inherent impl, so things like #[mode(internal)] impl<T> Trait for T { .. } are forbidden.
  • #[mode(external)] makes it so that foo.method() never resolves to a method from this impl. It must be called as Trait::method(foo) or foo.Trait::method().

Every trait would be #[mode(extension)] if not annotated, and it would be easy to migrate to external-by-default across an edition. Similarly, we could change whether a std impl is external vs extension based on the edition of the caller, and provide a cargo fix rewrite to convert from foo.method() to foo.Trait::method().

It may also make sense for traits to be able to specify the default modality of their impls, but I haven’t thought very carefully about this.

Note that moving in the external -> extension -> internal direction is not a breaking change, but moving the other way is.

What about Delegation?

A related feature that I will touch on lightly is delegation; that is, being able to write something like the following:

// crate a
struct Foo { ... }
impl Foo {
  fn boing() -> i32 { ... }

// crate b
trait Bar {
  fn boing() -> i32;

impl Bar for Foo {
  use Foo::boing;

The use in the impl indicates that we want to re-use Foo::boing to implement <Foo as Bar>::boing. This saves us having to write out a function signature, and results in less work for the compiler because that’s one less function we risk asking LLVM to codegen for us (at scale, this is a Big Deal).

You could imagine using delegation instead of #[mode]:

struct Woofer;
impl Stringer for Woofer {
  fn string(&self) -> String {

impl Woofer {
  use Stringer::*;

The reason I haven’t gone down this road is because delegation is a very large feature, and doesn’t give us a clean way to express #[mode(external)], which is a big part of what I want. A delegation-compatible way to express this proposal is to not add #[mode(internal)], and add use Trait::method; and use Trait::*; (and no other variations) inside of inherent impl blocks.


I don’t have the personal bandwidth to write RFCs for any of this stuff, but it’s something I talk about a lot as a potential evolution hazard for Rust. I hope that putting these ideas to paper can help make name resolution in Rust more robust.

  1. This needs to carry a bunch of other restrictions, because it’s equivalent to adding inherent methods to the implee. For example, none of the methods can have the same name as a method in any other inherent or internal impl block, and internal impl methods should take lookup priority over extension impl methods during name lookup. 

Atomicless Concurrency

Let’s say we’re building an allocator. Good allocators need to serve many threads simultaneously, and as such any lock they take is going to be highly contended. One way to work around this, pioneered by TCMalloc, is to have thread-local caches of blocks (hence, the “TC” - thread cached).

Unfortunately threads can be ephemeral, so book-keeping needs to grow dynamically, and large, complex programs (like the Google Search ranking server) can have tens of thousands of threads, so per-thread cost can add up. Also, any time a thread context-switches and resumes, its CPU cache will contain different cache lines – likely the wrong ones. This is because either another thread doing something compeltely different executed on that CPU, or the switched thread migrated to execute on a different core.

These days, instead of caching per-thread, TCMalloc uses per-CPU data. This means that book-keeping is fixed, and this is incredibly friendly to the CPU’s cache: in the steady-state, each piece of the data will only ever be read or written to by a single CPU. It also has the amazing property that there are no atomic operations involved in the fast path, because operations on per-CPU data, by definition, do not need to be synchronized with other cores.

This post gives an overview of how to build a CPU-local data structure on modern Linux. The exposition will be for x86, but other than the small bits of assembly you need to write, the technique is architecture-independent.

The Kernel Primitive

Concurrency primitives require cooperating with the kernel, which is responsible for global scheduling decisions on the system. However, making syscalls is quite expensive; to alieviate this, there has been a trend in Linux to use shared memory as a kernelspace/userspace communication channel.

Futexes are the classic “cas-with-the-kernel” syscall (I’m assuming basic knowledge of atomic operations like cas in this article). In the happy path, we just need to cas on some memory to lock a futex, and only make a syscall if we need to go to sleep because of contention. The kernel will perform its own cas on this variable if necessary.

Restartable sequences are another such proto-primitive, which are used for per-CPUuprogramming. The relevant syscall for us, rseq(2), was added in Linux 4.18. Its manpage reads

A restartable sequence is a sequence of instructions guaranteed to be executed atomically with respect to other threads and signal handlers on the current CPU. If its execution does not complete atomically, the kernel changes the execution flow by jumping to an abort handler defined by userspace for that restartable sequence.

A restartable sequence, or “rseq” is a special kind of critical section that the kernel guarantees executes from start to finish without any kind of preemption. If preemption does happen (because of a signal or whatever), userspace observes this as a jump to a special handler for that critical section. Conceptually it’s like handling an exception:

try {
  // Per-CPU code here.
} catch (PremptionException) {
  // Handle having been preempted, which usally just means
  // "try again".

These critical sections are usually of the following form:

  1. Read the current CPU index (the rseq mechanism provides a way to do this).
  2. Index into some data structure and do something to it.
  3. Complete the operation with a single memory write. This is the “commit”.

All the kernel tells us is that we couldn’t finish successfully. We can always try again, but the critical section needs to be such that executing any prefix of it, up to the commit, has no effect on the data structure. We get no opportunity to perform “partial rollbacks”.

In other words, the critical section must be a transaction.

Enabling rseq

Using rseqs requires turning on support for it for a particular thread; this is what calling rseq(2) (the syscall) accomplishes.

The signature for this syscall looks like this:

// This type is part of Linux's ABI.
#[repr(C, align(32))]
struct Rseq {
  cpu_id_start: u32,
  cpu_id: u32,
  crit_sec: u64,
  flags: u32,

// Note: this is a syscall, not an actual Rust function.
fn rseq(rseq: *mut Rseq, len: u32, flags: i32, signature: u32) -> i32;

The syscall registers “the” Rseq struct for the current thread; there can be at most one, per thread.

rseq is a pointer to this struct. len should be size_of::<Rseq>(), and signature can be any 32-bit integer (more on this later). For our purposes, we can ignore flags on the struct.

flags on the syscall, on the other hand, is used to indicate whether we’re unregistering the struct; this is explained below.

In the interest of exposition, we’ll call the syscall directly. If you’ve never seen how a Linux syscall is done (on x86), you load the syscall number into rax, then up to six arguments in rdi, rsi, rdx, r10, r8, r91. We only need the first four.

The return value comes out in rax, which is 0 on success, and a negative of an errno code otherwise. In particular, we need to check for EINTR to deal with syscall interruption. (every Linux syscall can be interrupted).

unsafe fn raw_rseq(rseq: *mut Rseq, unregister: bool, signature: u32) {
  // Perform an open-coded Linux syscall.
  loop {
    let mut rax = 334;  // rseq(2) syscall number; x86-specific.
    asm! {
      inout("rax") rax,
      /* rseq:      */ in("rdi") rseq,
      /* len:       */ in("rsi") mem::size_of::<Rseq>(),
      /* flags:     */ in("rdx") unregister as u64,
      /* signature: */ in("r10") signature,
    match rax {
      0 => break,      // Success, we're done.
      -4 => continue,  // EINTR, try again.
      errno => panic!("error calling rseq(2): {}", -errno),

Note the unregister parameter: this is used to tear down rseq support on the way out of a thread. Generally, rseq will be a thread-local, and registration happens at thread startup. Glibc will do this and has a mechanism for acquiring the rseq pointer. Unfortunately, the glibc I have isn’t new enough to know to do this, so I hacked up something to register my own thread local.

I had the bright idea of putting my Rseq struct in a box, which triggered an interesting bug: when a thread exits, it destroys all of the thread local variables, including the box to hold our Rseq. But if the thread then syscalls to deallocate its stack, when the kernel goes to resume, it will attempt to write the current CPU index to the rseq.cpu_id field.

This presents a problem, because the kernel is probably going to write to a garbage location. This is all but guaranteed to result in a segfault. Debuggers observe this as a segfault on the instruction right after the syscall instruction; I spent half an hour trying to figure out what was causing a call to madvise(2) to segfault.

Hence, we need to wrap our thread local in something that will call rseq(2) to unregister the struct. Putting everything together we get something like this.

fn current_thread_rseq() -> *mut Rseq {
  // This has to be its own struct so we can run a thread-exit destructor.
  pub struct RseqBox(Box<UnsafeCell<Rseq>>);
  impl Drop for RseqBox {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
      unsafe { raw_rseq(self.0.get(), true, RSEQ_SIG); }

  thread_local! {
    static RSEQ: RseqBox = {
      // Has to be in a box, since we need pointer stability.
      let rseq = RseqBox(Box::new(UnsafeCell::new(Rseq {
        cpu_id_start: 0,
        cpu_id: !0,
        crit_sec: 0,
        flags: 0,

      // Register it!!!
      unsafe { raw_rseq(rseq.0.get(), false, RSEQ_SIG); }

  RSEQ.with(|ra| ra.0.get())

Per Rust’s semantics, this will execute the first time we access this thread local, instead of at thread startup. Not ideal, since now we pay for an (uncontended) atomic read every time we touch RSEQ, but it will do.

Creating a Critical Section

To set up and execute a restartable sequence, we need to assemble a struct that describes it. The following struct is also defined by Linux’s syscall ABI:

#[repr(C, align(32))]
struct CritSec {
  version: u32,
  flags: u32,
  start: u64,
  len: u64,
  abort_handler: u64,

start is the address of the first instruction in the sequence, and len is the length of the sequence in bytes. abort_handler is the address of the abort handler. version must be 0 and we can ignore flags.

Once we have a value of this struct (on the stack or as a constant), we grab RSEQ and atomically store the address of our CritSec to RSEQ.crit_sec. This needs to be atomic because the kernel may decide to look at this pointer from a different CPU core, but it likely will not be contended.

Note that RSEQ.crit_sec should be null before we do this; restartable sequences can’t nest.

Next time the kernel preempts our thread (and later gets ready to resume it), it will look at RSEQ.crit_sec to decide if it preempted a restartable sequence and, if so, jump to the abort handler.

Once we finish our critical section, we must reset RSEQ.crit_sec to 0.

Labels and Constants, Oh My

There is a wrinkle: we would like for our CritSec value to be a constant, but Rust doesn’t provide us with a way to initialize the start and abort_handler fields directly, since it doesn’t have a way to refer2 to the labels (jump targets) inside the inline assembly. The simplest way to get around this is to assemble (lol) the CritSec on the stack, with inline assembly. The overhead is quite minimal.

On x86, this is what our boilerplate will look like:

let mut cs = MaybeUninit::<CritSec>::uninit();
let mut ok = 1;

asm! {r"
  // We meed to do `rip`-relative loads so that this code is PIC;
  // otherwise we'll get linker errors. Thus, we can't `mov`
  // directly; we need to compute the address with a `lea`
  // first.

  // Initialize the first two fields to zero.
  mov qword ptr [{_cs}], 0

  // Load `90f` into `cs.start`. Note that this is 'forward
  // reference' to the jump target `90:` below.
  lea {_pc}, [90f + rip]
  mov qword ptr [{_cs} + 8], {_pc}

  // We need to get the difference `91f - 90f` into `cs.len`.
  // To do that, we write `-90f` to it, and then add `91f`.
  neg {_pc}
  mov qword ptr [{_cs} + 16], {_pc}
  lea {_pc}, [91f + rip]
  add qword ptr [{_cs} + 16], {_pc}

  // Same as the first line, but loading `cs.abort_handler`.
  lea {_pc}, [92f + rip]
  mov qword ptr [{_cs} + 24], {_pc}

  // Write `&cs` to `RSEQ.crit_sec`. This turns on
  // restartable sequence handling.
  mov qword ptr [{rseq} + 8], {_cs}

  // Do something cool here (coming soon).

  // Jump over the abort handler.
  jmp 93f

  .int 0x53053053  // The signature!
  // Nothing special, just zero `ok` to indicate this was a failure.
  // This is written this way simply because we can't early-return
  // out of inline assembly.
  xor {_ok:e}, {_ok:e}

  // Clear `RSEQ.crit_sec`, regardless of which exit path
  // we took.
  mov qword ptr [{rseq} + 8], 0
  _pc = out(reg) _,
  _ok = inout(reg) ok,
  _cs = in(reg) &mut cs as *mut CritSec,
  rseq = in(reg) current_thread_rseq(),

A few things to note:

  1. Because this is inline assembly, we need to use numeric labels. I’ve chosen labels in the 90s for no particular reason. 90: declares a jump target, and 90f is a forward reference to that instruction address.
  2. Most of this assembly is just initalizing a struct3. It’s not until the mov right before 90: (the critical section start) that anything interesting happens.
  3. Immediately before 92: (the abort handler) is an .int directive that emits the same four-byte signature we passed to rseq(2) into the instruction stream. This must be here, otherwise the kernel will issue a segfault to the thread. This is a very basic control-flow integrity feature.
  4. We clear RSEQ.crit_sec at the very end.

This is a lot of boilerplate. In an ideal world, we could have something like the following:

fn run_rseq(cs: extern "C" unsafe fn(u32));

Unfortunately, this is very hard to do, because the constraints on restartable sequences are draconian:

  • Can’t jump out of the critical section until it completes or aborts. This means you can’t call functions or make syscalls!
  • Last instruction must be the commit, which is a memory store operation, not a return.

This means that you can’t have the compiler generating code for you; it might outline things or move things around in ways you don’t want. In something like ASAN mode, it might inject function calls that will completely break the primitive.

This means we muyst write our critical section in assembly. That assembly also almost unavoidably needs to be part of the boilerplate given above, and it means it can’t participate in ASAN or TSAN instrumentation.

In the interest of exposition, we can build a wrapper over this inline assembly boilerplate that looks something like this:

let result: Result<(), RseqAbort> = rseq! {r"
    // Assembly for our critical section...
  // Inline asm constraints.

When I wrote the snippet above, I chose numeric labels in the 90s to avoid potential conflicts with whatever assembly gets pasted here. This is also why I used a leading _ on the names of some of the assembly constraints; thise are private to the macro. rseq isn’t, though, since callers will want to access the CPU id in it.

The intent is for the assembly string to be pasted over the // Do something cool here comment, and for the constraints to be tacked on after the boilerplate’s constraints.

But with that we now have access to the full rseq primitive, in slightly sketchy macro form. Let’s use it to build a CPU-local data structure.

A Checkout Desk

Let’s say we have a pool of objects that are needed to perform an allocation, our putative page caches. Let’s say we have the following interface:

impl FreeList {
  unsafe fn get_cache(&self) -> *mut PageCache;
  unsafe fn return_cache(&self, *mut PageCache);

get_cache() grabs a cache of pages off the global free list. This requires taking a lock or traversing a lockless linked list, so it’s pretty expensive. return_cache() returns a cache back to the global free list for re-use; it is a similarly expensive operation. Both of these operations are going to be contended like crazy, so we want to memoize them.

To achieve this, we want one slot for every CPU to hold the cache it (or rather, a thread running on it) most recently acquired, so that it can be reused. These slots will have “checkout desk” semantics: if you take a thing, you must put something in its place, even if it’s just a sign that says you took the thing.

Matthew Kulukundis came up with this idea, and he’d totally put this gif in a slide deck about this data structure.

As a function signature, this is what it looks like:

impl<T> PerCpu<T> {
  fn checkout(&self, replacement: *mut T) -> *mut T;

We can then use it like this.

let free_list: &FreeList = ...;
let per_cpu: &PerCpu<PageCache> = ...;
let iou = 0 as *mut PageCache;

// Check out this CPU's cache pointer, and replace it with
// an IOU note (a null pointer).
let mut cache = per_cpu.checkout(iou);
if cache == iou {
  // If we got an IOU ourselves, this means another thread that
  // was executing on this CPU took the cache and left *us* with
  // a null, so we need to perform the super-expensive operation
  // to acquire a new one.
  cache = free_list.get_cache();

// Do stuff with `cache` here. We have unique access to it.

// Return the pointer to the checkout desk.
cache = per_cpu.checkout(cache);
if cache != iou {
  // Usually, we expect to get back the IOU we put into the cache.
  // If we don't, that probably means another thread (or
  // hundreds) are hammering this slot and fighting for page caches.
  // If this happens, we need to throw away the cache.

The semantics of PerCpu<T> is that it is an array of nprocs (the number of logical cores on the system) pointers, all initialized to null. checkout() swaps the pointer stored in the current CPU’s slot in the PerCpu<T> with the replacement argument.

Building the Checkout Desk

The implementation of this type is relatively simple, but the devil is in the details. Naively, you’d think you literally want an array of pointers:

pub struct PerCpu<T> {
  ptrs: Box<[*mut T]>,

unsafe impl<T> Send for PerCpu<T> {}
unsafe impl<T> Sync for PerCpu<T> {}

Unfortunately, this is cache-hostile. We expect that (depending on how ptrs is aligned in memory) for eight CPUs’ checkout pointers to be on the same cache line. This means eight separate cores are going to be writing to the same cache line, which is going to result in a lot of cache thrash. This memory wants to be in L1 cache, but will probably wind up mostly in shared L3 cache.

This effect is called “false sharing”, and is a fundamental part of the design of modern processors. We have to adjust for this.

Instead, we want to give each core a full cache line (64 bytes aligned to a 64-byte boundary) for it to store its pointer in. This sounds super wasteful (56 of those bytes will go unused), but this is the right call for a perf-sensitive primitive.

This amount of memory can add up pretty fast (two whole pages of memory for a 128-core server!), so we’ll want to lazilly initialize them. Our cache-friendly struct will look more like this:

pub struct PerCpu<T> {
  ptrs: Box<[AtomicPtr<CacheLine<*mut T>>]>,

// This struct wraps a T and forces it to take up an entire cache line.
#[repr(C, align(64))]
struct CacheLine<T>(T);

unsafe impl<T> Send for PerCpu<T> {}
unsafe impl<T> Sync for PerCpu<T> {}

Initializing it requires finding out how many cores there are on the machine. This is a… fairly platform-specific affair. Rust does offer a “maximum paralellism” query in its standard library, but it is intended as a hint for how many worker threads to spawn, as opposed to a hard upper bound on the number of CPU indices.

Instead, we call get_nprocs_conf(), which is fine since we’re already extremely non-portable already. This is a GNU libc extension.

In code…

impl<T> PerCpu<T> {
  pub fn new() -> Self {
    extern "C" {
      // #include <sys/sysinfo.h>
      // This function returns the maximum number of cores the
      // kernel knows of for the current machine. This function
      // is very expensive to call, so we need to cache it.
      fn get_nprocs_conf() -> i32;

    static mut NPROCS: usize = 0;
    static INIT: Once = Once::new();
    INIT.call_once(|| unsafe {
      NPROCS = get_nprocs_conf() as usize;

    let len = unsafe { NPROCS };
    let mut ptrs = Vec::with_capacity(len);
    for _ in 0..len {

    Self { ptrs: ptrs.into_boxed_slice() }

(I’m not going to implement Drop for this type. That’s an exercise for the reader.)

Implementing checkout()

Now’s the moment we’ve all be waiting for: writing our restartable sequence. As critical sections go, this one’s pretty simple:

  1. Index into the ptrs array to get this CPU’s pointer-to-cache-line.
  2. If that pointer is null, bail out of the rseq and initialize a fresh cache line (and then try again).
  3. If it’s not null, swap replacement with the value in the cache line.
impl<T> PerCpu<T> {
  fn checkout(&self, mut replacement: *mut T) -> *mut T {
    // We need to try this operation in a loop, to deal with
    // rseq aborts.
    loop {
      let ptrs = self.ptrs.as_ptr();
      let mut vcpu: i32 = -1;
      let mut need_alloc: i32 = 1;
      let result: Result<(), RseqAbort> = rseq! {r"
        // Load the current CPU number.
        mov {vcpu:e}, dword ptr [{rseq} + 4]

        // Load the `vcpu`th pointer from `ptrs`.
        // On x86, `mov` is atomic. The only threads we might
        // be condending with are those that are trying to
        // initialize this pointer if it's null.
        mov {scratch}, qword ptr [{ptrs} + 8 * {vcpu:r}]

        // If null, exit early and trigger an allocation
        // for this vcpu.
        test {scratch}, {scratch}
        jz 1f

        // Make sure the outer code knows not to allocate
        // a new cache line.
        xor {need_alloc:e}, {need_alloc:e}

        // Commit the checkout by exchanging `replacement`.
        xchg {ptr}, qword ptr [{scratch}]
        ptrs = in(reg) ptrs,
        scratch = out(reg) _,
        ptr = inout(reg) replacement,
        vcpu = out(reg) vcpu,
        need_alloc = inout(reg) need_alloc,

      // We got preempted, so it's time to try again.
      if result.is_err() { continue }

      // If we don't need to allocate, we're done.
      if need_alloc == 0 { return replacement }

      // Otherwise, allocate a new cache line and cas it into
      // place. This is Atomics 101, nothing fancy.
      let mut cache_line = Box::new(CacheLine(ptr::null_mut()));
      loop {
        let cas = self.ptrs[vcpu as usize].compare_exchange_weak(
          ptr::null_mut(), cache_line.as_mut(),
          Ordering::AcqRel, Ordering::Relaxed,

        match cas {
          Ok(p) => {
            // Successful allocation.
            // Make sure to stop `cache_line`'s memory
            // from being freed by `Box`'s dtor.
          // Try again: this is a spurious failure.
          Err(p) if p.is_null() => continue,
          // Someone got here first; we can just discard
          // `Box`.
          Err(_) => break,

This code listing is a lot to take in. It can be broken into two parts: the restartable sequence itself, and the allocation fallback if the pointer-to-cache-line happens to be null.

The restartable sequence is super short. It looks at the pointer-to-cache-line, bails if its null (this triggers the later part of the function) and then does an xchg between the actual *mut T in the per-CPU cache line, and the replacement.

If the rseq aborts, we just try again. This is short enough that preemption in the middle of the rseq is quite rare. Then, if need_alloc was zeroed, that means we successfully committed, so we’re done.

Otherwise we need to allocate a cache line for this CPU. We’re now outside of the rseq, so we’re back to needing atomics. Many threads might be racing to be the thread that initializes the pointer-to-cache-line; we use a basic cas loop to make sure that we only initialize from null, and if someone beats us to it, we don’t leak the memory we had just allocated. This is an RMW operation, so we want both acquire and release ordering. Atomics 101!

Then, we try again. Odds are good we won’t have migrated CPUs when we execute again, so we won’t need to allocate again. Eventually all of the pointers in the ptrs array will be non-null, so in the steady state this needs_alloc case doesn’t need to happen.


This is just a glimpse of what per-CPU concurrent programming looks like. I’m pretty new to it myself, and this post was motivated by building an end-to-end example in Rust. You can read more about how TCMalloc makes use of restartable sequences here.

  1. This is annoyingly different from the function calling convention, which passes arguments in rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9, with the mnemonic “Diana’s silk dress cost $89.” I don’t know a cute mnemonic for the syscall registers. 

  2. It’s actually worse than that. You’d think you could do

    jmp foo
      .int foo
      mov qword ptr [rax], pointers
    x86 Assembly

    but this makes the resulting code non-position-independent on x86. What this means is that the code must know at link time what address it will be loaded at, which breaks the position-independent requirement of many modern platforms.

    Indeed, this code will produce a linker error like the following:

    = note: /usr/bin/ld: /home/mcyoung/projects/cpulocal/target/debug/deps/cpulocal-a7eeabaf0b1f2c43.2l48u2rfiak1q1ik.rcgu.o:
          relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.text._ZN8cpulocal15PerCpu$LT$T$GT$8checkout17h42fde3ce3bd0180aE'
          can not be used when making a PIE object; recompile with -fPIE
          collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

    Not only is .int foo a problem, but so is referring to pointers. Instead we must write

    lea rcx, qword ptr [pointers + rip]
    mov qword ptr [rax], rcx
    x86 Assembly

    to be able to load the address of pointers at all. This can be worked around if you’re smart; after all, it is possible to put the addresses of functions into static variables and not have the linker freak out. It’s too hard to do in inline assembly tho. 

  3. Basically this code, which can’t be properly-expressed in Rust.

    let cs = CrtiticalSection {
      version: 0,
      flags: 0,
      start: /* &90f */,
      len: /* &91f - &90f */,
      abort: /* &92f */,