Better Trait Resolution in Rust

Traits are the core of polymorphism in Rust. Let’s review:

trait Stringer {
  fn string(&self) -> String;

impl Stringer for i32 {
  fn string(&self) -> String {

// Prints `42`.
println!("{}", 42.string());

Notice that we call the trait method Stringer::string directly on the value in question. This means that traits (at least, those currently in scope) inject their methods into the namespace of anything that implements them.

Now, this isn’t immediately a problem, because Rust’s namespace lookup rules are such that methods inherent to a type are searched for first:

trait Stringer {
  fn string(&self) -> String;

struct Woofer;
impl Stringer for Woofer {
  fn string(&self) -> String {

impl Woofer {
  fn string(&self) -> String {

// Prints `bark`.
println!("{}", Woofer.string());

This means that traits cannot easily break downstream code by adding new methods, but there are a few possible hazards:

Of course, Rust has a disambiguation mechanism. Given any trait implementation Foo: Bar, we can reference its items by writing <Foo as Bar>::baz. However, this syntax is very unweildy (it doesn’t work with method chaining), so it doesn’t get used. As a result, small evolution hazards can build up in a large codebase.

Those who know me know that I often talk about a syntax that I call foo.Trait::method(), or “qualified method call syntax”. In this post, I want to discuss this syntax in more detail, and some related ideas, and how they factor into type and trait design.


This idea isn’t new; others have proposed it, and it forms the core of Carbon’s version of trait method calls (you can read more about Carbon’s name lookup story here).

Let’s recreate the original example in Carbon (bear in mind that I am not an expert on this language, and the semantics are still up in the air).

interface Stringer {
  fn String[self: Self]() -> String;

external impl i32 as Stringer {
  fn String[self: Self]() -> String { ... }

fn Run() {

Notice 42.(Stringer.String)(): Carbon requires that we qualify the method call, because 42 has the concrete type i32. If this were in a generic context and we had a type variable bounded by Stringer, we could just write x.String(); no ambiguity.

In Carbon, all qualification uses ., so they have to add parens. Because Rust uses :: for qualifying paths, we don’t have this syntactic abiguity, so we can augment the syntax to allow more path expressions after the ..

The current grammar is

MethodCallExpression :
   Expression . PathExprSegment (CallParams?)

PathExprSegment :
   PathIdentSegment (:: GenericArgs)?

That is, exactly one identifier and an optional turbofish. I would like to see this extended to allow any QualifiedPathInExpression after the . and before the parens. This would allow, for example:

These would all be desugared as the equivalent UFCS, taking into account that method call syntax can trigger autoref.

The method would still need to be valid to have been called via . syntax; I’m not proposing we add the following, even though it is unambiguous.

fn square(x: i32) -> i32 {
  x * x

// Would be equivalent to `square(42)`.

Trait method callers can now use qualified method call syntax where they might want to use UFCS without issues around wordiness.

Impl Modality

Of course, this isn’t the only idea from Carbon’s interfaces worth stealing; Carbon also has a notion of “external” and “internal” impls; I will call these “impl modes”.

An external impl is like the one we showed above, whose methods can only be found by qualified lookup: foo.(Bar.Baz)(). An internal impl is one which is “part” of a type.

interface Stringer {
  fn String[self: Self]() -> String;

class Woofer {
  impl as Stringer {
    fn String[self: Self]() -> String { ... }

fn Run() {
  let w: Woofer = ...;
  w.String()  // Unqualified!

This also implies that we don’t need to import Stringer to call w.String().

There are definitely traits in Rust which fit into these modes.

Clone and Iterator almost always want to be internal. An iterator exists to implement Iterator, and cloning is a fundamental operation. Because both of these traits are in the prelude, it’s not a problem, but it is a problem for traits provided by a non-std crate, like rand::Rng. The lack of a way to do this leads to the proliferation of prelude modules and namespace pollution. (I think that preludes are bad library design.)

On the other hand, something like Debug wants to be external very badly. It almost never makes sense to call foo.fmt(), since that gets called for you by println! and friends; not to mention that all of the std::fmt traits have a method fmt(), making such a call likely to need disambiguation with UFCS. Borrow is similar; it exists to be a bound for things like Cow more than to provide the .borrow() method.

There’s also a third mode, which I will call “extension impls”. These want to inject methods into a type, either to extend it, like itertools, or as part of some framework, like tap. This use of traits is somewhat controversial, but I can sympathize with wanting to have this.

If we have paths-as-methods, we can use this classification to move towards something more like the Carbon model of method lookup, without impacting existing uses.

My strawman is to add a #[mode] attribute to place on trait impls, which allows a caller to select the behavior:

Every trait would be #[mode(extension)] if not annotated, and it would be easy to migrate to external-by-default across an edition. Similarly, we could change whether a std impl is external vs extension based on the edition of the caller, and provide a cargo fix rewrite to convert from foo.method() to foo.Trait::method().

It may also make sense for traits to be able to specify the default modality of their impls, but I haven’t thought very carefully about this.

Note that moving in the external -> extension -> internal direction is not a breaking change, but moving the other way is.

What about Delegation?

A related feature that I will touch on lightly is delegation; that is, being able to write something like the following:

// crate a
struct Foo { ... }
impl Foo {
  fn boing() -> i32 { ... }

// crate b
trait Bar {
  fn boing() -> i32;

impl Bar for Foo {
  use Foo::boing;

The use in the impl indicates that we want to re-use Foo::boing to implement <Foo as Bar>::boing. This saves us having to write out a function signature, and results in less work for the compiler because that’s one less function we risk asking LLVM to codegen for us (at scale, this is a Big Deal).

You could imagine using delegation instead of #[mode]:

struct Woofer;
impl Stringer for Woofer {
  fn string(&self) -> String {

impl Woofer {
  use Stringer::*;

The reason I haven’t gone down this road is because delegation is a very large feature, and doesn’t give us a clean way to express #[mode(external)], which is a big part of what I want. A delegation-compatible way to express this proposal is to not add #[mode(internal)], and add use Trait::method; and use Trait::*; (and no other variations) inside of inherent impl blocks.


I don’t have the personal bandwidth to write RFCs for any of this stuff, but it’s something I talk about a lot as a potential evolution hazard for Rust. I hope that putting these ideas to paper can help make name resolution in Rust more robust.

  1. This needs to carry a bunch of other restrictions, because it’s equivalent to adding inherent methods to the implee. For example, none of the methods can have the same name as a method in any other inherent or internal impl block, and internal impl methods should take lookup priority over extension impl methods during name lookup. 

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Better Trait Resolution in Rust

Traits are the core of polymorphism in Rust. Let’s review:

trait Stringer {
  fn string(&self) -> String;

impl Stringer for i32 {
  fn string(&self) -> String {

// Prints `42`.
println!("{}", 42.string());

Notice that we call the trait method Stringer::string directly on the value in question. This means that traits (at least, those currently in scope) inject their methods into the namespace of anything that implements them.

Now, this isn’t immediately a problem, because Rust’s namespace lookup rules are such that methods inherent to a type are searched for first:

trait Stringer {
  fn string(&self) -> String;

struct Woofer;
impl Stringer for Woofer {
  fn string(&self) -> String {

impl Woofer {
  fn string(&self) -> String {

// Prints `bark`.
println!("{}", Woofer.string());

This means that traits cannot easily break downstream code by adding new methods, but there are a few possible hazards:

  • If the owner of a type adds a method with the same name as a trait method, it will override direct (i.e., foo.string()) calls to that trait method, even if the type owner is unaware of the trait method.

  • If traits A and B are in scope, and String implements both, and we call (which resolves to A::foo()), and later B adds a new method B::foo(), the callsite for String will break. A and B’s owners do not need to be aware of each other for this to happen.

Of course, Rust has a disambiguation mechanism. Given any trait implementation Foo: Bar, we can reference its items by writing <Foo as Bar>::baz. However, this syntax is very unweildy (it doesn’t work with method chaining), so it doesn’t get used. As a result, small evolution hazards can build up in a large codebase.

Those who know me know that I often talk about a syntax that I call foo.Trait::method(), or “qualified method call syntax”. In this post, I want to discuss this syntax in more detail, and some related ideas, and how they factor into type and trait design.


This idea isn’t new; others have proposed it, and it forms the core of Carbon’s version of trait method calls (you can read more about Carbon’s name lookup story here).

Let’s recreate the original example in Carbon (bear in mind that I am not an expert on this language, and the semantics are still up in the air).

interface Stringer {
  fn String[self: Self]() -> String;

external impl i32 as Stringer {
  fn String[self: Self]() -> String { ... }

fn Run() {

Notice 42.(Stringer.String)(): Carbon requires that we qualify the method call, because 42 has the concrete type i32. If this were in a generic context and we had a type variable bounded by Stringer, we could just write x.String(); no ambiguity.

In Carbon, all qualification uses ., so they have to add parens. Because Rust uses :: for qualifying paths, we don’t have this syntactic abiguity, so we can augment the syntax to allow more path expressions after the ..

The current grammar is

MethodCallExpression :
   Expression . PathExprSegment (CallParams?)

PathExprSegment :
   PathIdentSegment (:: GenericArgs)?

That is, exactly one identifier and an optional turbofish. I would like to see this extended to allow any QualifiedPathInExpression after the . and before the parens. This would allow, for example:

  • expr.Trait::method()
  • expr.Self::method()
  • expr.<Foo as Trait>::method()
  • expr.::path::to::Trait::<Args>::method::<MoreArgs>()

These would all be desugared as the equivalent UFCS, taking into account that method call syntax can trigger autoref.

  • Trait::method(expr)
  • Self::method(expr)
  • <Foo as Trait>::method(expr)
  • ::path::to::Trait::<Args>::method::<MoreArgs>(expr)

The method would still need to be valid to have been called via . syntax; I’m not proposing we add the following, even though it is unambiguous.

fn square(x: i32) -> i32 {
  x * x

// Would be equivalent to `square(42)`.

Trait method callers can now use qualified method call syntax where they might want to use UFCS without issues around wordiness.

Impl Modality

Of course, this isn’t the only idea from Carbon’s interfaces worth stealing; Carbon also has a notion of “external” and “internal” impls; I will call these “impl modes”.

An external impl is like the one we showed above, whose methods can only be found by qualified lookup: foo.(Bar.Baz)(). An internal impl is one which is “part” of a type.

interface Stringer {
  fn String[self: Self]() -> String;

class Woofer {
  impl as Stringer {
    fn String[self: Self]() -> String { ... }

fn Run() {
  let w: Woofer = ...;
  w.String()  // Unqualified!

This also implies that we don’t need to import Stringer to call w.String().

There are definitely traits in Rust which fit into these modes.

Clone and Iterator almost always want to be internal. An iterator exists to implement Iterator, and cloning is a fundamental operation. Because both of these traits are in the prelude, it’s not a problem, but it is a problem for traits provided by a non-std crate, like rand::Rng. The lack of a way to do this leads to the proliferation of prelude modules and namespace pollution. (I think that preludes are bad library design.)

On the other hand, something like Debug wants to be external very badly. It almost never makes sense to call foo.fmt(), since that gets called for you by println! and friends; not to mention that all of the std::fmt traits have a method fmt(), making such a call likely to need disambiguation with UFCS. Borrow is similar; it exists to be a bound for things like Cow more than to provide the .borrow() method.

There’s also a third mode, which I will call “extension impls”. These want to inject methods into a type, either to extend it, like itertools, or as part of some framework, like tap. This use of traits is somewhat controversial, but I can sympathize with wanting to have this.

If we have paths-as-methods, we can use this classification to move towards something more like the Carbon model of method lookup, without impacting existing uses.

My strawman is to add a #[mode] attribute to place on trait impls, which allows a caller to select the behavior:

  • #[mode(extension)] is today’s behavior. The impl’s trait must be in scope so that unqualified calls like foo.method() resolve to it.
  • #[mode(internal)] makes it so that foo.method() can resolve to a method from this impl without its trait being in scope1. It can only be applied to impls that are such that you could write a corresponding inherent impl, so things like #[mode(internal)] impl<T> Trait for T { .. } are forbidden.
  • #[mode(external)] makes it so that foo.method() never resolves to a method from this impl. It must be called as Trait::method(foo) or foo.Trait::method().

Every trait would be #[mode(extension)] if not annotated, and it would be easy to migrate to external-by-default across an edition. Similarly, we could change whether a std impl is external vs extension based on the edition of the caller, and provide a cargo fix rewrite to convert from foo.method() to foo.Trait::method().

It may also make sense for traits to be able to specify the default modality of their impls, but I haven’t thought very carefully about this.

Note that moving in the external -> extension -> internal direction is not a breaking change, but moving the other way is.

What about Delegation?

A related feature that I will touch on lightly is delegation; that is, being able to write something like the following:

// crate a
struct Foo { ... }
impl Foo {
  fn boing() -> i32 { ... }

// crate b
trait Bar {
  fn boing() -> i32;

impl Bar for Foo {
  use Foo::boing;

The use in the impl indicates that we want to re-use Foo::boing to implement <Foo as Bar>::boing. This saves us having to write out a function signature, and results in less work for the compiler because that’s one less function we risk asking LLVM to codegen for us (at scale, this is a Big Deal).

You could imagine using delegation instead of #[mode]:

struct Woofer;
impl Stringer for Woofer {
  fn string(&self) -> String {

impl Woofer {
  use Stringer::*;

The reason I haven’t gone down this road is because delegation is a very large feature, and doesn’t give us a clean way to express #[mode(external)], which is a big part of what I want. A delegation-compatible way to express this proposal is to not add #[mode(internal)], and add use Trait::method; and use Trait::*; (and no other variations) inside of inherent impl blocks.


I don’t have the personal bandwidth to write RFCs for any of this stuff, but it’s something I talk about a lot as a potential evolution hazard for Rust. I hope that putting these ideas to paper can help make name resolution in Rust more robust.

  1. This needs to carry a bunch of other restrictions, because it’s equivalent to adding inherent methods to the implee. For example, none of the methods can have the same name as a method in any other inherent or internal impl block, and internal impl methods should take lookup priority over extension impl methods during name lookup.